PRP: with anticoagulant or without. Arthrex or Centromix


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Hey, I went to two different clinics in Barcelona to be consulted about PRP. In one of the clinics they use Arthrex machine and they don’t use anticoagulant. In another one they use Centromix and use some anticoagulant. Does someone understand what is better?


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Just avoid it. It will make things worse as in my case, and you even pay for that.

Try Stemoxydine, Adenosin or Bimatoprost if you wanna experiment with something

If you still wanna do PRP only test it on a limited small area, do a Trichoscan of the treated and untreated area before and 4 months after the treatment. As for your question go with Arthrex as they can measure the amount growth factors


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Hey, thanks a lot for your warning and the answer. Could you elaborate on what you said about Arthrex? I didn’t get what exactly it can measure


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Sorry wrote it wrong. The system can be adjusted to increase the number of growth factors more than other systems. Dr Feriduni uses it for instance. Dr John Cole also did a pseudo study which claimed Artrex to outperform Regen Lab


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But why PRP can have a negative impact? Did you investigate that topic?

Maybe in your case it just didn’t help, and increased hair loss was just a natural thing (that what’s happening with me, the hair los got stronger, although I didn’t do any changes to my regimen of minoxidil and finasteride)


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See comments in my other Thread. I warned you, but you want to experience it yourself