Pulling Out Hairs So Easily And Scalp Inflamed


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Ive been on dutasteride 0.5 mg for 4 months or so and recently started 1mg a week ago. I used to use minoxidil for 2 years since 17 but stopped 2 months ago then restarted this month again 2.5 weeks in and I'm shedding crazy. So crazy it scares. Can pull out hairs so easily everywhere on scalp. I don't want to lose grounds or recedee on hairline what should I do I eat clean food. Scalp feels inflamed for the past 3-4 days despite I use nizoral 3 times a week. Anyone experienced ? Need advice boys


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Ive been on dutasteride 0.5 mg for 4 months or so and recently started 1mg a week ago. I used to use minoxidil for 2 years since 17 but stopped 2 months ago then restarted this month again 2.5 weeks in and I'm shedding crazy. So crazy it scares. Can pull out hairs so easily everywhere on scalp. I don't want to lose grounds or recedee on hairline what should I do I eat clean food. Scalp feels inflamed for the past 3-4 days despite I use nizoral 3 times a week. Anyone experienced ? Need advice boys

The stopping and starting the minxodil may have cause a shed.

I shed like that before I started any treatments my hair would just 'tug' out like it was not even rooted. scariest sh*t ever.
I think this is a 'shed'.. I don't think this is normal for just Androgenetic Alopecia at least I am hoping for you it's the meds stopping/starting.
I have Androgenetic Alopecia and low iron induced Telogen Effluvium--so once i got my iron up the shedding like this stopped BUT you are probably going through it from change of medication.
Meaning its temporary I think.