Pumpkin seed


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Wow! I'm actually going to try this. I was already going to eat pumpkin seeds, but now I think I'll just get the oil pills. They sell for surprisingly cheap online for 100 1000mg capsules ($4-6). I'm gonna see if my local health food store has them first, though.


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Actually, I'm still just going to eat the pumpkin seeds because according to this website: http://www.deimel.biz/_biz/info/pumpkinoil.htm there's a ratio of 2.5g of seeds to 1g of oil, and one serving of pumpkin seeds is 30g :I

- - - Updated - - -

So yeah, if anyone wants to see my results, posted the before pictures in the general discussion forum and I'll be doing it for 6 months.


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Do you remember off hand if it was good, bad or inconclusive? Obviously a single person doesn't conclude much, but some of these studies I think are baked so that the researchers have something to write about.


Senior Member
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Yes for the sake of fair and balanced objectivity we have to watch for that. Not trying to be a naysayer in regards to the pumpkin seed/oil discussion. If I could I'ld have pumpkin served with every meal of mine. That's a fact.:)
Do you remember off hand if it was good, bad or inconclusive? Obviously a single person doesn't conclude much, but some of these studies I think are baked so that the researchers have something to write about.


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It was a big thread on the experimental section, he claimed it worked.


Established Member
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Great! I decided to give it a try. Its pretty cheap stuff and the gel caps actually have over the study dose. I got depression from saw palmetto when I tried it 6 or 7 years ago, so I'll watch out for that as I believe this is similar. I'll be sure to let everyone know if I see any results.
It was a big thread on the experimental section, he claimed it worked.


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This looks to be another natural 5ar inhibitor. fwiw I've been eating pumpkin seeds daily for a couple years now, not for hair loss, but for their magnesium content. Haven't noticed any difference in the hair though.


Experienced Member
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Oh yeah I saw this. I am going to try this. I plan to have pictures taken of my hair thinning and balding areas and taking 1. Pumpkin seed oil 2. Gelatin 3. Using topical oils proven to help in studies. I'll post the studies in another thread. Also I would post the one on caffeine but I see someone has already posted. I read somewhere else where a woman experiencing hair loss in the vertex like male pattern baldness said putting a tiny amount of caffeine in her shampoo and hair conditioner has stopped and reversed her hair loss.


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Besides halting hairloss and re-growing hair, has anybody seen any benefits in regards to increased firmness of erections or increases in libido? I hear these are also common benefits when taking Pumpkin Seed Oil. Also, if you take a pure liquid form, is 1 teaspoon/day adequate?