Purchased a kippah. Why does this offend Jews?


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A few months back I purchased a durag for hair loss purposes. I wanted to hide my norwooding from my roommates in a casual manner. Well this has worked somewhat but I wanted an option for outside, so yesterday I bought a kippah , which is a hat-like thing that perfectly covers my crown. I should note that I bought it for cosmetic reasons (vanity), as I like the style and it's working well (I don't like being a traditional hat prisoner). The problem is my roommate is Jewish and somewhat a liberal weirdo and he has taken offense to this. Usually I ignore his bulls**t comments/advice but he has repeatedly been calling me an "extreme racist" when I wear my kippah around him.. he had same reaction to durag but not as bad. I just tell him that I like the style of it which angers him more. Has anyone else here used kippahs mainly as a "bandaid" fix for diffusing..?