QHC disclaimer done, When should order?


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I have filled out a disclaimer and will send it off tomorrow but dont know if I order before they get the disclaimer they will deny my order. What do you think. Something else too. Dermatologists are lazy. For the past two days I have talked to a nurse practitioner, funny that being around medicine talk all day they dont know sh*t about drugs.. I have described proscar and all I want them to get throught to the doctor is if he will prescribe this to me. And they act like Im an idiot, "Well the doctor is out of the office and we looked it up in the book and thats, like, for the heart or something" , " No its enlargement of the prostate" and they said oh, well we saw that too. Well anyway we could have played solve the puzzle for another 15 minutes but it was a long day at work so I acted very nice and had her write down a very specific note for him to read directly and get back to me tomorrow. Funny, nurses playing doctors, what will they think of next. If he denies doing it I guess I go overseas. " Just when I thought I was out they pull ME BACK IN."


johnboy said:
I have filled out a disclaimer and will send it off tomorrow but dont know if I order before they get the disclaimer they will deny my order. What do you think.

Question for qhi.co.uk regarding the disclaimer form.

Who shall I seek advice from?

Please choose from one of the following:

1. QHI.co.uk

2. Hairlosstalk.com

3. BBC.com


eh.......2. Hairlosstalk.com ?


wrong answer. :hairy:




New Member
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I faxed in my disclaimer to QHI.

BTW, I got my proscar from there a couple days ago.


A) why is there a stamp from Malta?
B) i haven't opened it yet (i may return it) but it appears to be round tablets, as opposed to the weird Proscar shape)
C) it said they are based in Turks and Caicos or something, but then Cornwall, England... well which one is it... and why is there a stamp from Malta?

is this place legit? i hope its not like their distribution center is based in england but corporate is based in some UN protected territory or some sh*t that is not ruled by British law.... you know, kind of like how the reinsurance companies in the U.S. are based in Bermuda to save their asses in case of banktruptcy??


Receding_Boy said:
A) why is there a stamp from Malta?

I suspect it has been posted from Malta, but that's just a guess.

Receding_Boy said:
B) i haven't opened it yet (i may return it) but it appears to be round tablets, as opposed to the weird Proscar shape)

How do you know what shape the pills are if you haven't opened them yet?

Receding_Boy said:
C) it said they are based in Turks and Caicos or something, but then Cornwall, England... well which one is it... and why is there a stamp from Malta?

Where does it say QHI are based in Cornwall?

Receding_Boy said:
is this place legit? i hope its not like their distribution center is based in england but corporate is based in some UN protected territory or some sh*t that is not ruled by British law....

I suggest you email QHI if you have some ideas that would improve their current bussiness model.


New Member
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It says cornwall, stamped as the return address on the back of the package.

i am not trying to say anything about the business model, however i get skeptical when internet companies operate in various, exotic small locations. doesn't exactly give me the impression of being a well established b&m pharmacy.


Dont worry about it. QHI are fine and totally legit, well 97.2% legit.


Receding_Boy said:
It says cornwall, stamped as the return address on the back of the package.

i am not trying to say anything about the business model, however i get skeptical when internet companies operate in various, exotic small locations. doesn't exactly give me the impression of being a well established b&m pharmacy.

Thats a common thing with intenet companies these days. There reply address is often in a diffirent country to where the good are shipped from. Doesent mean the goods came of the back of a lorry....

although they may have.


Receding_Boy said:
It says cornwall, stamped as the return address on the back of the package.

i am not trying to say anything about the business model, however i get skeptical when internet companies operate in various, exotic small locations. doesn't exactly give me the impression of being a well established b&m pharmacy.

What are you skeptical of ?

What is a b&m pharmacy ?


Established Member
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I Get my sh*t from QHI and it is the sh*t. I'm sure mine had words written in spanish on, but that sh*t ain't round foo'


Senior Member
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I've ordered from qhi about 4 times and they delivered as promised each time. The package has spanish writing on it because it is from a merck manufacturing plant in Spain. However, my pills are always blue and are always that odd triangular shape.


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ShedMaster said:
I've ordered from qhi about 4 times and they delivered as promised each time. The package has spanish writing on it because it is from a merck manufacturing plant in Spain. However, my pills are always blue and are always that odd triangular shape.


Red Rose

Experienced Member
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It's strange that they're outside British jurisdiction though isn't it?

BTW in case anyone in the UK doesn't realise you don't have to fill
out a disclaimer form if you are paying by cheque.