
New Member
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Can anyone help with who is the best Dr within the uk.

Everyone seems to have a problem with a Dr i look at.
Then I start to look at anouther Dr and the same happens again. I understand the surgery is a little hit and miss depending on the patient but a little help in this matter would be great as I am new to this and want to research properly. Thanks all. :)


Senior Member
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Dont limit yourself to the UK all the best top surgeons are abroad. Just read through alot of threads on this section, you'll soon find who the big names are. A hair transplant is not something to take a chance on, get the best possible outcome. I found this out the hard way!!

Educate youself first this is not something to just rush into!!!!


Senior Member
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Hi Wolfie,

I am happy to reccomend Dr. Rogers of Rogers Medical, most people regard him as the best surgeon in the UK and he is a pioneer in creating natural looking transplants with his "slanticle" technique.

I've had two procedures with him now and will probably have a third sometime next year, I'm very happy with the results; I have posted a lot of images on my site if you're interested here.

That being said, as SAF has said, you owe it to yourself to shop around and look at the best clincis not just from the UK, but from all over the world. There are clinics in the US and Canada for example who can do higher density per session if you need a huge amount of grafts.

Hope this helps,