Quesions about hair transplants and finasteride

Autumn Sundown

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If your hairloss has stabalized and you get a hair transplant, do you have to start taking finasteride? I wouldn't think so since you're done losing all the hair you're going to lose and the new hairs won't fall out because of DHT, but I'm just curious.
I've read that finasteride doesn't usually stop male pattern baldness, it just slows it down. In most cases finasteride eventually loses it's effectiveness, so what do you do then? What if you get a hair transplant and medications lose their effectiveness?
I'm confused about this and would like to clear things up.


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Finasteride will hopefully help you keep your remaining hair longer. Before you have a transplant, you should plan for what your hair loss will likely be at its worst as you get older, so that you plan with a reasonable use of your donor supply.