Question About A Dht Blocker Supplement


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Ok i am currently taking a DHT blocker from phyto life and it contains

folic acid
Vitamin b-12
Biotin 2500mg
zinc 23mg
saw palmetto oil extract 160mg

rice bran oil
pumpkin seed oil
polygonum multiforum root
beta sitosterol
kudzu root

(taken 2 a day)

Now i been taking these for maybe 2 weeks and my Libido has been redused ALOT and i think i may be abit more emotionally depressed recently as a side effect but my hair is still noticeably receding so i am starting to have some doubts on whether taking them is a good idea.

Reading online can get you so paranoid because i read stuff like low testosterone can have these side effects but also boost DHT so could lose more hair but surely thats not what the DHT blocker should be doing?

Is there a shedding period for these things? does it take a while to start working? (the side effects sure haven't)
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I don't see anything in that supplement that would be negative, but I can't testify to its effectiveness either. I do strongly recommend everyone get blood tests, basic panel at least including testosterone, as a basis for future monitoring and action.


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I am just getting a little concerned because i read many reviews for DHT blockers and the majority seems to say they have slowed down hair loss for them but in the last week or 2 it seems like each day my hair is getting a little thinner and harder manage.

the side effects for these things hit pretty damn fast so if they are doing anything they must be doing something right? i am abit worried its making my hairline worse

Many have said they experienced a thickening effect from taking DHT blockers but if anything i can't help but feel my hair is so much thinner, even with thickening shampoo and castor oil left on for 4 hours a day :(

Its pretty crazy how fast my hair went from decent coverage to barely coverable.
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