Question about applying Rogain


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Hi there, The only real spots where i am losing my hair is the front and my receding hair line, do i only apply rogaine to those locations? Or is it needed throughout the entire scalp, the problem for me is i have long hair, so getting it on my scalp in the back areas could be a major issue.

But i use a Q-tip to apply to receding hairline and front area

is this ok?



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put it on the spot where you need it only. though the instuctions say it is only for the vortex in the back of your head, it has been proven to help on the front. ive been using it only on the front for over 2 years, i beleive it has helped slow down my hairline's movement. good luck.

The Gardener

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I would suggest only applying it to the affected area, the front in your case, but do deposit a few drops of it back in your crown area. One of the hairloss docs that I tend to find credible, Dr Lee, thinks that the crown drops have a somewhat preventative effect.

Minoxidil does spread around somewhat under the skin, so you do not need to literally cover every square millimeter of scalp with it.

I think using a Q-tip on the hairline area as you say you do would be effective in terms of application, but I would also think that you would waste a lot of minoxidil on the Q-tip each day and that your minoxidil would run out a lot sooner than if you used an applicator that is not as absorbent. Just a matter of economics here, not effectiveness. I rub it a bit with my fingers into the hairline area in the evenings and I know a lot of minoxidil gets wasted on my finger skin, but I would think a Q-tip would absorb more. Good luck with your regimen!


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Wow, that's interesting.
How exactly do you use
it? It seems that if you
would "pour" the liquid
into those little circles,
it would run out when
you go to put it on your



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Looks interesting, but is it practical if you still have a full head of hair with no bald spots?...looks kind of star trekky.


Is also prassable to use horse shoe (shoe off of bottom of horse leg)?

It can look also similar and Branco always find horse shoe on farm.

Is 'lucky' to just rub shoe on head, or do all guys need to put monixidoil into horse shoe first?

thanks for all different guys for help.



too bald too furious

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branco said:
Is also prassable to use horse shoe (shoe off of bottom of horse leg)?

It can look also similar and Branco always find horse shoe on farm.

Is 'lucky' to just rub shoe on head, or do all guys need to put monixidoil into horse shoe first?

thanks for all different guys for help.



LOL :lol:
Branco Rocks :yeah:

not me!

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I dont pour the minoxidil into the holes. Thats not what its for. I just use the dropper to apply the minoxidil to my scalp and use the applicator to rub it in.