Question about donor hair for FUE


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Hey guys.

24 years and currently a norwood 2/3 (going by maternal Grandfather I'm destined for a norwood 5a which may happen before 30)

I would like a hair transplant in the future to work with my hair loss (first hair transplant 2500 - 3000 front to midscalp, second hair transplant 2000 - 2500 midscalp vertex) I do'nt mind having to eventually shave it giving the illusion of a buzz cut (seen some work on fue buzz cuts and would be more than satisfied.

Its all good and well that I want the best part of 5000 grafts eventually .... But I've had a daunting thought about donor hair ...

Whilst the back of my hair is thick, the sides of my hair are quite thin. Now, I know people always refer to hair transplant grafts being harvested from the back of the scalp but from the pictures that I've seen pictures, grafts are taken from the side of the head too.

Would I be able to get 5000 harvested with my current situation?

Am I even be suitable for a hair transplant?

Has anybody on the forum had a hair transplant with what is considered 'thin' donor hair?

Answers will be greatly appreciated.



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The concept of "permanent" donor hair might be a myth for many guys. There's evidence that all of your hair can be susceptible to DHT over time. It seems like there are guys reporting that their transplants are thinning out over time. If you look at the donor "safe" zone, the safest area is that exact area where strips are harvested. All the hair outside of that small zone is less permanent.

I know there are some younger guys who want transplants and they think they won't care about their donor hair thinning out as they get older -- believe me, you will definitely care. If you cared enough to get a hair transplant in your 20's, you will still definitely still care about hair loss when you're 50.

If you plan on shaving your head anyway, why not save your money and just shave your head now?


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I wonder sometimes if its less about hair sensitivity and more about just the area of the head suffering the most DHT (or something along those lines). like if you took body hair, even though more resilient, it would still eventually fall the the norwood curse being thats where the DHT hits the strongest. I have no scientific backing and am merely just spouting nonsense.


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Pic from a presentation about the permanence of the donor area. (Click to enlarge). The safest area happens to be where the "donor strip" is typically removed from, in strip surgery (FUT). Areas above and below are considered less permanent. It depends on the particular patient, but DHT can effect hair everywhere on your head. Hair from the donor area "resists" DHT but that doesn't mean that DHT can't eventually affect these hairs. The donor area does thin out on many guys as they age.


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Thanks for the the reply guys.

Swingline - Really interesting theory there. My problem is that I'm 24 and experiencing thinning (as mentioned previously I'm going onto a NW3) it seems that the DHT is reacting quite strongly with my hair follicles ... so to get a hair transplant in the next 4 years may still leave my transplanted hair affected by DHT. Going by from what I've read DHT is most effective in the frontal scalp region, I would much rather that it wasn't as its the least attractive side to balding. Then again, is there any attractive side to balding? Balding ain't easy, I must say!

Arfy - Thanks for the picture, its really helpful. It appears that even the FUE area are not taken from the sides of the and they can be harvested solely from the back of the scalp. But I understand what you mean by where you say even the donor at the back can thin out eventually (I'm guessing the thinning of the vertex of a NW7 starting at the crown and eventually reaching a place at the back of the head aligning with the ears would be an example of this?) There is a picture of Michael Keaton where his donor looks completely butchered by a hair transplant, so I do take your advice on board.