Hello all, i've got a couple of questions. First, im on finasteride exactly 1 year. My hair feels better overall, more thick so i know its working. I took 1mg/day for half a year, all was fine, till one day i had sex with my gf while suddenly my dick died in the middle of it. Got worried, because i already knew that could be from propecia. Started googling in put all my intention and mind into it, and things got even worse. In next week in could not get it up all before sex, like it died totaly. I know it may be mental, but still. Got off finasteride for a two weeks and everything got back to normal. After month i restarted, 0.5mg/every other day. And here i'm again. Cant get it up for my gf, while i can masturbate few times a day with rock hard erections without a problem and have night wood all the time. But i admit it got to my mind a bit. When i know i'll have sex i always wonder if my dick would respond or not. Anyone with similar experiances?
What to do? Drop finasteride or is it just mental thing? If so, how overcome that? Thanks a lot my friends!
What to do? Drop finasteride or is it just mental thing? If so, how overcome that? Thanks a lot my friends!