Question about follicles and regrowth


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I read on here where someone said it takes like 2 years for a follicle to die. IS this to say, say you have been losing hair for about 3 years maybe less, that ig you responded well to the big 3 you could recover all the hair you lost up to 2 years ago?
Or could you get ven more than this?

thans for any help


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It takes 725.65 hours for a follicle to die, but give or take 45.78 days, you may be able to recover 87.4% of the hair, potentially.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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From my understanding, your follicles don't 'die'.

What happens is that they stop producing normal scalp hair, and slowly peter out until they start producing very fine and visibly almost invisible vellous hairs.

The question is not how many of your follicles have 'died', but how many vellous-producing follicles are healthy enough to start pumping out the good sh*t once minoxidil gives them a good, firm kick in the ***!


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That looks more right to me then the other thread estimating how long hair follicles live on. I still have small peach fuzz hairs covering my scalp all the way to where my hairline used to be 4 years ago. The hair follicles are still alive, just crapped out.