question about hair club for men


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Hair Club for Men called me today and offered me a free consultation visit. The guy said they put your hair until a microscope and examine your hair and your roots. Then they suggest what you should do about your hair loss. The guy said all this is free and I have no obligation to buy any service or product from them.

My question is: do you guys think its worth my time to go and get examined by these guys?

I did a search and people on here complained about their hair pieces and called them frauds.

I'm only 21 and just in the past 6 months have started to lose my hair. It's only my temples and it's not that noticeable. My main goal is to just keep what I have. I don't see the harm in going to this free examination and coming out of it with more info regarding my hair, but I still don't want to waste my day to go here becuase if I decide to go, I have to get a whole day off from work. Any suggestions?


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Go to a dem. to get a prescription of Propecia. You don't need to go to Hair Club for Men. There going to make you do stuff that is not needed at your stage. Anyway they don't do the latest hair tranplanet work.


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ya i got some rogaine, proscar, and nizoral. I just wanted to go and see what they can tell me. So you think it's not even worth the time to go and get a free consultation?


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I would go...

Then you can come back here and tell us how it went! Hey, you never know.....

Bone Daddy

Established Member
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I'm glad I went, as they showed me proof that I was thinning. It's worth it just to let them show you your magnified scalp. Just act interested, take the free coke, and say you need time to think and promptly leave. Most of their products are cleansers, and rogaine.

Thank god I found this forum, or I would be on their rogaine/cleanser program right now, when I don't really need it, while paying thousands of dollars for it in the process.


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Bone Daddy said:
I'm glad I went, as they showed me proof that I was thinning. It's worth it just to let them show you your magnified scalp. Just act interested, take the free coke, and say you need time to think and promptly leave. Most of their products are cleansers, and rogaine.

Did you hear that, Tony? Hair Club For Men may be trying to gain some turf. You better go in there and show 'em who's boss!