Question About Hair Transplant: Previous Hair Growth Treatments


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If you are on finasteride/minoxidil/microneedling treatments for a few years, and decide to go for a hair transplant, can the doctor tell which are the gains from the treatments? Do you have to stop the treatments for some time before having the hair transplant?


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No they can't, but you can stay on finasteride, but will have to stop the microneedling.


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I was told to start micro needling 4 weeks 0.5mmdaily after my transplant 3 months ago, i had never done it before so i assume maybe stop for a month after the op.


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No they can't, but you can stay on finasteride, but will have to stop the microneedling.

I was told to start micro needling 4 weeks 0.5mmdaily after my transplant 3 months ago, i had never done it before so i assume maybe stop for a month after the op.

Thanks for the replies guys. Does this mean after the hair transplant, you will still have to continue the finasteride/minoxidil/microneedling treatments indefinitely? And if you decide to stop them permanently, your hair will start thinning again and may have to do another transplant?


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finasteride is the most important to keep taking as it should keep the hair you had before transplant, i hope to come off it though in a couple of years and hopefully breezula that is in trials now can replace it.


My Regimen
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Thanks for the replies guys. Does this mean after the hair transplant, you will still have to continue the finasteride/minoxidil/microneedling treatments indefinitely? And if you decide to stop them permanently, your hair will start thinning again and may have to do another transplant?

The risk of going down the transplant route without continuing finasteride is that your non-transplanted hair will still be falling out / thinning, and doing other transplants to cover it up will eventually lead you to run out of donor hair, leaving you with an unnatural looking result down the line