Question about Hair Transplant


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I just had a consultation with Dr Keene and we agreed to do the majority of the graft count on the front part of my head, including the hair line, probably like 2800grafts. The thing I'm confused about is, she said that the existing hair on my scalp, which is thin and downy and probably on its way out, may fall off due to shock loss. Thats fine,but does that mean I will still have density if the thinning hair falls out?? Or is it possible she will do a high density graph count that will look good with or without the remaining hair on my head? I told her I want the whole area to be donor hair, but I forgot to ask if that means she will remove whatever is there now, setting me up to have bald spots once that downy hair finally goes? Please help me understand how they approach this.


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For starters you should probably have a transplant with someone who's actually known in the industry.


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Good question - I'm interested in the answer to this as well. I have some thin hair on my temples only kept by using Rogaine - I wonder if that will stay there when hair transplant is done in that area..


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She certainly doesn't "remove" any existing hairs. If they are thin and wispy and basically contribute nothing, she might transplant right into that area. If the hairs are somewhat healthy and contribute to coverage, then she may transplant around them. The doctors generally wear magnifying goggles when working on your scalp, so she easily can see the original hairs, and decide whether it's worth the trouble to avoid them (very possible) or if it's better to pack grafts in the area, disregarding the original hair (also very possible).

It sounds like you've rushed into this surgery a little bit - if I'm not mistaken, you had a consult and then scheduled a surgery for a month later, but you still have questions. In another thread you said you will shave your head, but in this thread you say 2,800 grafts (so probably a strip excision, not FUE). If you are getting a strip, do you realize that a strip excision results in a scar, which needs hair to conceal it? If you're not getting FUE, why shave your head? Let the doctor shave the areas you need to be shaved.

Any specific questions (do you need to shave your head) can be confirmed by the clinic - call them if you're not sure.