Question about miconazol nitrte topical for any dermatology/science minded ppl, thx!


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Hey guys, so I was wondering if miconazole nitrate slows wound healing at all?

I do boar bristle brushing (semi-vigorously) and micro needling occasionally, both which can create micro wounding (good for hair growth). I was using miconazole before I started doing these things, but now I'm concerned it might mess with the healing process of the micro wounds?

Any have ideas on this??


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Seeing you over at a certain more natural forum..I'm surprised you're even using that :shock:

But to your question..I've seen it in "healing" :dunno:


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Hey guys, so I was wondering if miconazole nitrate slows wound healing at all?

I do boar bristle brushing (semi-vigorously) and micro needling occasionally, both which can create micro wounding (good for hair growth). I was using miconazole before I started doing these things, but now I'm concerned it might mess with the healing process of the micro wounds?

Any have ideas on this??

What lol? it accelerates hair growth.. it is all you need to know. Miconazole is anti-inflammatory as well.


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Yes Jacob, I do mostly prefer the more natural things, but if I can get away with a product that is without side effects, sometimes Ill go for it, i.e miconazole. Although I dont see using it for the rest of my life, there have been periods where it has seemed to help with thickening etc (tricky to tell results with mico, sometimes on and off). My body wont tolerate minoxidil so I opted for mico nitrate as a growth jump starter.

In regards to my initial question, what got me thinking is reading this link, which talks about clotrimazole (I know not mico, but is an anti-fungal) possibly delaying the healing of wounds. Have a look: (1st and last posts is where I'm mainly focusing)

Tell me what you think. Thanks!


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Hmm, I guess even though both are anti-fungals, their chemical comps are different enough for one to effect wound healing and the other to not? I guess can't say for sure but since mico is in some healing creams like you say, it seems likely I guess.
Lol, manuka honey. Maybe Ill use a full jar right before I go to work to get a good style going on :punk:

But I guess youre saying manuka has good potential for assisting wound healing? Maybe Ill give it a go internally


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Hey Jacob, could you possibly link to that healing cream with mico in it? I tried to google but came up with nothing