Question About Microneedling And Four More Words.


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There's something about Microneedling that confuses me.
I get the theory, by wounding the scalp and let it heal, the follicles would get "healed" too.

But I'm also reading that a big culprit of male pattern baldness is scalp inflamation. Because of that, people use anti inflamatories agents (nizoral shampoo besides killing fungi also reduces inflamation, according to what I've read)

So, wouldn´t wounding the scalp make the scalp all swallen, and worsen the problem?


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There's something about Microneedling that confuses me.
I get the theory, by wounding the scalp and let it heal, the follicles would get "healed" too.

But I'm also reading that a big culprit of male pattern baldness is scalp inflamation. Because of that, people use anti inflamatories agents (nizoral shampoo besides killing fungi also reduces inflamation, according to what I've read)

So, wouldn´t wounding the scalp make the scalp all swallen, and worsen the problem?

From what I understand or scalp inflammation and hair loss, you’re not entirely wrong. Some people’s scalps can become inflamed because of excess bacteria buildup in the hair follicles. The bacteria buildup can clog your hair follicles which can slow and possibly inhibit hair growth, and the clogging of those follicles can result in scalp inflammation. So the itchy inflamed scalp isn’t necessarily the problem, it’s the clogged hair follicles, and an inflamed scalp is just the result. Keto shampoo kills the bacteria which helps unclog follicles, which in turn helps inflammation.

Microneedling helps promote hair growth by damaging the skin cells and encouraging the growth of new, healthy skin cells. Although inflammation can occur, it’s because the skin is trying to heal. This is the type of inflammation you’d want, whereas inflammation from clogged follicles is not.

Hopefully this helps!