question about minoxidil


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hey guys i'm 17 and experiencing some hair loss/thinning whatever you wanna call it. people suggested that i use minoxidil 2% and nizoral but no proscar cuz that's going to f*** up my penile erection.

i just went out and bought 2% generic walgreens minoxidil and Neutrogena T-Gel.

1. should i use the 2% minoxidil? here is a list of what it says to not use that applies for myself... if:

- you have no family history of hair loss (only my grandmother has some
bad hair loss but my mother has thick hair from my grandfather)

- you do not know the reason for your hair loss (i'm not 100% sure why)

- you are under 18 years of age.

please help me with some advice on whether or not i should use this 2% minoxidil.

2. is generic walgreens or any 2% minoxidil the exact same thing as Rogaine? i bought the minoxidil because it was twice as cheap.

3. is T-gel the same as nizoral? one of the posters used T-Gel and he had great results along with 2 % minoxidil and proscar.

4. if T-gel is good, it says use at least twice a week. how often should i use it? and if i do is any regular lightweight shampoo good for usage while im not using the T-gel?

thanks a lot for reading and the help.


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Family history is irrelevant. You know if you're losing hair, and though you may not want to admit it, you know IF it is male pattern loss or not. See a doctor if you'd like for conformation of what kind of hair loss you may or may not have.

Keep in mind that even as early as your age, a man's hairline can transition to its "mature" stage. I haven't seen photos, so I can't make statements about that.

Generic Minoxidil is the same thing as Upjohn's Rogaine. You made a good decision in not paying the outrageous cost of Rogaine. :)

T-Gel is not the same as Nizoral. I use both shampoos myself, and I feel that they help, though they are by no means primary regrowth agents.

I use T-Gel four times a week. You can use it as often as you'd like to. T-Gel is primarily to assist scalp "condition." (and to emulate as closely as possible the Propecia FDA trials, which for whatever reason forced their trialists to use T-Gel exclusively.)

Hope that helps. I realize this is a confusing issue. Try Minoxidil for a bit, don't believe the doom and gloom on these sites - it's not going to kill you or eat your hair if you apply it for a month.


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thanks bro!

thanks a lot bro! yea you really cleared things up for me. i'm pretty sure it's not male pattern baldness for me but i can never be 100% sure. my hairline is thinning a bit gradually and my hair automatically splits even though it is very short. my hair used to be a lot thicker and it never did that so i'll try both minoxidil and t-gel. oh and when you're not using the t-gel on the other 3 days a week, do you use any shampoo or another special type? once again, thanks for the helpful info.

and yeap i'm going to post up pics asap but i need to save up for a camera...


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Use 5% minoxidil. It shouldn't do any harm. If it does irritate your scalp, switch to 2%, which has a lower alcohol concentration.

And nizoral 1%, over the counter, works fine. Don't bother getting the Rx 2%. Same thing.

Good luck.


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Actually, the 2% version has more alcohol than the 5% version.



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thanks for tha info guys! need more help though...

thanks guys for the invaluable info! it really helped me a lot. but i got a few more questions.. can you guys help me once more?

ive decided to go on with 2 out of the big 3 plan. (minoxidil 2% and t-gel) cuz proscar is gonn f*** up my testes. i wanna start fresh so i'm planning on beginning on november 1st.

1. minoxidil came with a dropper and a spray. it says use 1 ml twice daily. should i use the dropper or the spray?

2. my main priority is my frontal hairloss/thinning regrowth/thickening. how much should i place upon the spots that need help OR do i have to spread the 1ml evenly throughout my whole head?

3. im using t-gel every other day so 4 days a week. do i have to use nizoral on the other 3 days or can i use a cheaper soft shampoo like dove or another anti itch shampoo such as head and shoulders?

4. i'm going on 17 very soon... it's ok for me to use these treatments RIGHT?

5. can someone explain to me IN DEPTH the procedure for applying both the minoxidil and t-gel... (i.e: put it on, spread evenly throughout scalp, wait 5 min, rinse, etc...)



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please help

can someone please give me an answer for the previous post? thanks cuz i really have no freakin clue on how, when, where, and how much i need to apply and use these products. thanks!


Re: thanks for tha info guys! need more help though...

pleasehelpme said:
1. minoxidil came with a dropper and a spray. it says use 1 ml twice daily. should i use the dropper or the spray?

which ever you find the easier to get that stuff spread around your scalp.

pleasehelpme said:
2. my main priority is my frontal hairloss/thinning regrowth/thickening. how much should i place upon the spots that need help OR do i have to spread the 1ml evenly throughout my whole head?

put minoxidil on where you would like hair to grow, it has a non-localized effect so will diffuse around a little.

pleasehelpme said:
3. im using t-gel every other day so 4 days a week. do i have to use nizoral on the other 3 days or can i use a cheaper soft shampoo like dove or another anti itch shampoo such as head and shoulders?

this one is really up to you, you don't have to do any of these things, just find a regimen that makes your scalp healthy and stops the itching

for me, thats Nizoral on days with a N in them and T/Gel for days with a T in them.

you may end up finding using just Nizoral or just T/Gel works for you.

pleasehelpme said:
4. i'm going on 17 very soon... it's ok for me to use these treatments RIGHT?

yes, as none of them interfere with hormonal development as far as I know.

5. can someone explain to me IN DEPTH the procedure for applying both the minoxidil and t-gel... (i.e: put it on, spread evenly throughout scalp, wait 5 min, rinse, etc...)

the minoxidil should have come with instructions? spread 1 ml of minoxidil where you want your hair to grow, leave on for at least 4 hours. The rest is logic, don't waste too much by getting it in your hair, wash your hands afterwards (if you want to rub it in with your fingers)

the instructions for t/gel are on the bottle, read them.

pleasehelpme said: