question about month 2 to 3


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I just finished up my second month of finasteride and like many I have been getting a bit worried. I was shedding before taking finasteride so I new that I would inevitably shed while on finasteride, I started taking finasteride for recession I have noticed that my hair I am losing is decently thick, but I can now see that I am becoming a diffuser as well. I have read through this some but I was wondering for the people who still come here a few things. How many of you have had this same problem of becoming diffuse when before there was not any signs, and also what was the cosmetic improvement from month 2 to 3. I am not panicking or anything just wondering how many other users have experienced or are experiencing the same thing?


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If you were shedding before finasteride, don't you think maybe this diffusing was quite possibly a result of that shedding? finasteride doesn't stop your shedding the second you take your first pill, so right about now (at earliest most likely), your shedding should be coming to an end, and now you may start the road to recovery. At least that's my take on it. I don't think finasteride caused anything, you basically said it yourself inadvertently in your post when you said "I was shedding before finasteride".


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Yeah I know all about finasteride and the shedding process, I think it is pretty clear that finasteride does not stop your shedding for at least 3 months. As I was shedding a bit it has drastically increased since on finasteride. My simple question was improvement from month 2 to 3 and if any one elsed noticed diffusing on their own personal expierence.


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I think the shedding should stop soon. But you must understand that in the 9 to 11 weeks people start to shed again and more then the first time. But that should stop too. It's hard to say if it will stop or not. But it should.

P.S.; People shed 50 to 100 hairs a day and that will non hair loss people too.


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Deaner's signature said:
Also is true propecia (same also prascar) make man into lady? (homsexual)

Deaner, I bet you asked about the same question somewhere between your 3. and 7. propecia pill.


The shedding is normal, hairloss or no hairloss. finasteride will not let the hair follicle die for people with male pattern baldness. Simple as that really.

But as you say. The best thing to do is not to panick. I feel that I am going through a small shedding phase. I used to shower each morning and never noticed any hair, but now I bath each day as I have moved house and I notice more hair in the bath than I normally would. I think this is totally normal.