Question about Norwood scale (pics included)


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As you can see I am a diffuse thinner but I was wondering, if and when I got bald, what does it look like I will be on the norwood scale? I am going to start on fincar, tin peptides and nizoral 1% shampoo. I don't want to use minoxidil since I would have to use it for the rest of my life. Does this sound like a good place to start?





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first off i cant see any hairloss the lighter part of your head is just the light shining on you hair

second any drug you use will only stop hairloss as long as you use it

eg. if you use propecia and grow hair then stop propecia you lose the hair you have grown
if you use minoxidil and grow hair then stop you will lose the hair grown by minoxidil
this apply's to all hair loss treatments we have so far
maybe one day we will have a pill that we only have to take once to stop hair loss


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Trust me, I didn't want to shave my head. It looks better because I have light hair. If you look closely. you can make out the outline of it. All the men in my family are bald or balding so I know what my future is. When my hair was longer it really looked like crap, especially when it was wet. I admit it does look better with short hair but in about a year it will be a lot worse. I'm only 20 and my brother has dark hair and he is worse off than I am and hes 18.

I don't want to use minoxidil because it seems like a pain to apply 2 times a day. With Propecia, its just popping a pill. I know Propecia is great for the crown but whats really good for the temples? I mean not something that has like a 24% success rate but something that has been used with great results.

Oh, and my hair is very very oily on the top. Even right after I shampoo, its very slick. Is this common for male pattern baldness?


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You look sharp. Pop the pill, get some generic minoxidil for the temples.

If you want to get really agressive in fighting the temples, look into Xandrox 15 and spironolactone 2% or 5% from Dr. Lee. If you just do the temples (0.25 mL per temple per day), a bottle of Xandrox (costs like 88 bucks) could last you a year.


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supernova said:
You look sharp. Pop the pill, get some generic minoxidil for the temples.

Bad advice.

IMO someone in your position should not start minoxidil untill they have been on propecia for at least a year and you decide your still not happy.

Minoxidil has minimal effects, theres a good chance you will go through a big shed and you'l be stuck using it for life. Not to mention the hassle of applying the greasey sh*t twice everyday.

With the amount of hair you have get yourself on propecia or proscar and that should be enough. Your a young guy and theres a good chance you can slow down/stop the progression and never have to live life as a bald man.

good luck


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Thanks guys, so you think I should use propecia with nizoral for the inflamation. I also saw a post about the tin peptides for blondes. Its like $24 for 4 months. Do you think I should add that? If I do, I'll only be using 3 things, 2 of which have hardly any side effects.

One other question, from the outline you see in the pic, if that part was completely bald, what would it be on the norwood scale?


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Mikey said:

Minoxidil has minimal effects,

Not this ... le&sid=290

also any hair loss treatment MAY cause a shed and has to be used for life. Or at least as long as you want to keep your hair.

However I do agree that someone in your position only needs to be on finasteride. I wouldn't even bother with Tin Peptides. Maybe Nizoral shampoo a couple times a week



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If the outlined area you added to the pic was completely bald you would be... well its not really that important as you would be bald so who f*****g cares... but i would say you would be a NW6. There is a Norwood scale on this website if you want to have a closer look for yourself.

P.S Get on the proscar then wait and see what happens and go from there.. :wink:


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I think its the same thing, just a generic brand of propecia meaning cheaper!


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Never heard of Finscar but I think you mean Proscar. Proscar is made by Marck which makes Propecia. It was design for prostate cancar but found out that it grow hair for one of the side effect. Which became Propeceia in 1MG instead of 5MG which Proscar is. Same drug but didn't amount. People cut it up in to 4 pieces with you get 1.25MG instead of 1MG but that 1/4 MG will not do much more. The reason people use Proscar over Propecia is the price. Which you get Proscar for about 100 dollars for 30 pills and get 120 days out of it which comes to 20 dollars a month instead of 55 to 70 days a month with Propecia is really up to you which one you want. For some people, they don't want to take a chance of buying it online so they get propecia from a drug and pay more for it.

Now, by just looking at your hair I can see your thinning like in a horse shoe way. I dont know what norwood you would be because it's like an alround thing. You may want to go to the doctor and ask for propecia and also get Nizoral 2% shampoo online. Use it every other day or every other 2 days. Thats all I can say about it. I hope I was a help for you.