Question about Shedding


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Hi. Maybe you all can help me out with this.

About three years ago I began losing my hair. The shedding was pretty bad. I had lost about twenty pounds and found out that something was medically wrong with me. I corrected the medical problem. After a while the shedding stopped. I went to a dermatologist at the time and they said it was Telogen Effluvium. That's what they suspected. Also, they said it could be male patterned baldness. I do have a slight receding hairline. My dad is 60 and has a receding hairline which isn't that bad. He doesn't have a bald spot in the back. Also, both grandfathers and uncles have their hair. I do suspect that our hair does thin a little over time. I am 28.

About three months ago I was under a lot of stress again. I guess I had anxiety and started noticing my hairloss again, but not as bad as before. So, now I keep thinking about it. I have lost a little weight again. I am worried. The dermatologist still thinks it is Telogen Effluvium but says to keep an eye on it.

I was wondering if anyone else has these problems.

Thanks for your help.