Question about shedding


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I know that shedding is a good sign of the product working. I know shedding can take from 3 to 6 months for people and some don't shed at all. I dont know if you should stop or not. How much hair do you shed a day? If it between 50 to 100 hairs than thats normal even if the person is not lossing hair. You should stay with it until one year and if you don't see can change than stop using it. Just hang in there.
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What's all in your regimen? Just proscar?
What Norwood are you?

You're probably gonna hear a lot of people say stick with it 6 months is probably too early for you.

Since your at 6 months maybe it's time to add more to your reg. like min or something.

If your not using nizoral go get some.
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I too am an Norwood 3. I've only been using my regimen for about 3 months. I have only seen my hair get worse aswell. So I can't really preach about what to do or what you're going to see in the future.

I do know that taking good care of your scalp is VERY important if you want to see good results with finastride or minoxidil. Nizoral is a great place to start.

In the States you can buy the stuff at the grocery store in the shampoo isle (no prescription). They may very well do the same in the Netherlands. If not I'm sure you can run a search on Nizoral 1% and find many places that sell the stuff online. It's not too expensive and from all accounts it is vital.