Question about styling hair transplant hair


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For those that don't know me, i used to wear my hair long, and i mean long enough to put into a pony tail. When i get out the military i plan to grow it into a pony tail again. Well unfortantualy now i found out im thinning at the age of 27, so i may not be able to wear long hair again.

I know very few men sport the "long haired grizzly adams look", but just wondering.....if i got a hair transplant, could i grow the transplanted hair out that long ??? Has anybody gotten a hair transplant and grew long hair ?

I know women have gotten them and grew out long hair, but their hairloss looks differnt from us men. So basically im curious to know why hasnt anybody with a hair transplant tried to go for the really long look ?

Maby a dumb question but hey i would really love to know if you can do it, and would it look bad or not.


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Thank you dudemon for the explanation to why most never grow it out super long. I guess now i have to figure out what spot on the Norwood scale ill end up on......i highly doubt any Doctor can make a sure prediction on that since nobody can ever know for sure.

For now ill try to maintain what i have with topicals.