Question about when to add minoxidil to finasteride and Dr Lee's advice


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Hi all:

I had sudden onset of male pattern baldness about 2 years ago and it was rapid. The thinning was most on my crown area but my temples thinned a bit and there was overall diffuse thinning as well. I am 26 years now (about 200-300 hairs a day). I got on finasteride about 13 months ago. I still shed (10-30 hairs a day that I can count) but finasteride definitely slowed my thinning. I still notice miniature hairs when I brush/wash my hair (around the front/temples/crowns).

However, during the earlier phase of rapid hair loss, my crown area got thin and there is a thin line across my crown where the scalp is clearly visible if I don't style my hair right. Overall, I still have enough hair that I can style it so that the male pattern baldness is not visible.

finasteride has definitely slowed things down but not halted the male pattern baldness by any means. I also use Nizoral twice a week. I am maintaining currently. I emailed Dr. Lee about the thin patch and he adviced me to get on minoxidil and 5% Xandrox for best results However, the consensus on this board seems to be to wait for a few years and then introduce minoxidil/Xandrox in the mix.

Here is my question. Am I am not doing irreversible damage to the miniaturized follicles if I wait? Is it better to start on minoxidil now or is it really advantageous to wait. I do want to fill that thin patch up. Also, when should I be even considering Avodart?