Question consernig Proposcar


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I been using Proposcia for nearly 2 year. Porbelm is it do not aflict my hairs on my head. I still louse many hair in tap sink all day and every week.

I begin Nixoras for three week last week but no afflict on hair. How many persons/haire shoud I loose each and every daily.

My bortehrs both have lost hairs but I thnik I am wose them tham. I plan hair trnaspalnt end of this years but I worried bout the blood in my head.

Very sorry my Englihs is not good, I can spoke mor Amercias than Egnlish


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alsos I will like to add one more regimal to my regimeit. I plan to take Minoxodial, i hear make hairs greesy so looking lkie hairs fall more badder then it was.

I were taking habrel supplimines befoe Prpopcias but not afflict with hair foreheed(hairlines). sorry.

I come back latre to read asnwers bout my qeestionaires. good luck to everyones hairs fall.


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I've read that Dr. Lee's minoxidil is less greasy and dries faster.