Question for all previous Miconazole users. Plz chime in!


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Hey guys, wondering if there is anyone out there still using Mico? If so, hows it going?

I have been using for around 5 months now, kind of off and on, and I believe it helps to thicken and maintain somewhat.. Would like to stay on..

Recently I have been feeling some very light, what feels like, constant blood rushing to the face/light light muscle spasms in my face. I dont know what this is from and why it is happening suddenly after 5 months, but I believe it might be the nitrates since they increase blood flow?

Any other users ever experience this?

Thanks in advance!


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I'm about to start miconazole too, it's so ridiculously cheap and it can't do any harm, the anecdotal reports are encouraging enough and I've got nothing to lose, my hair is f*cked right now. Minoxidil hasn't done anything over the last half a year unless it's helped increase my shedding cos my hair is almost gone, whereas at least a year ago it was receded but still grew at more than a snails pace...

The reports of mico, although anecdotal, give me more faith in that than keto... Again religious use of nizoral has done sweet FA for my male pattern baldness. It does a really good job of stripping out the dark dye (used to) dye my hair with...



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What do you think of bifonazole? Another one of the 'azol gang, long scalp halflife and a very strong broad band antimycotic (much preferred now over ket or mico when it comes to mycosis of the scalp) via the ergosterol pathway. In germany you can even get it as liquid scalp treatment.


Wait, Miconazole might have an effect in terms of treating hair loss? Never heard that before...


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My Experience :
I was checking wiki for anti fungal Medicare, Found that most of the "azole" family are used for dermatitis and related purpose.
As I was already using clotrimazole powder occasionally for my sweating rashes, which worked for me really well.

Next was I tried mixing clotrimazole powder around 20 gm. in 50 ml of coconut oil and tried on my scalp for my dandruff problem and I was surprised that it worked great on reducing dandruff + I experienced new hair growth.

Probably it was helping hair shafts / bulbs in killing yeast fungus bacteria and also helping in reducing excessive sebum.

But it worked and still working for me.

*Later I tried it mixing in Plain coconut oil and Coconut jasmine oil. Not sure wich combination worked better. But both combination worked.

*Now I am also mixing around 10 gm of clotrimazole powder in my face moisturizing lotion and my oily face is looking less oily.

*My next step is mixing Ketoconoazole + ZPTO solution in coconut oil with some vitamin capsules

Will report back here :)


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So.. I'm planning to prepare a solution mix, do tell me guys what do you think of my recipe. :)

100 ml Coconut oil -base
20ml Ketoconazole-2% w/w Zinc Pyrithionone (ZPTO)-1% w/v
6x5 mg soft gel capsules of RADIANCE-H which contains
collagen peptides (type 1) 175 mg
grape seed extract 10 mg
green tea extract 10 mg
calcium pantothenate 25 mg
nicotinamide 20 mg
vitamin C 15 mg
biotin 10 mg
choline bitartrate 10 mg
inositol 10 mg
folic acid 5 mg
vitamin B6 1.5 mg
L-methionine 40 mg
l-cysteine 10 mg
L-lysine 10 mg
zinc 7.5 mg
iron 7.5 mg
copper 2 mg
silica 2 mg
selenium 0.05 mg

do let me know what you guys think...


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Looks good mate, those capsules have loadsa stuff in them!

Maybe they'd be useful for minimising the side effects of minoxidil - inhibited collagen synthesis...

Keep us updated bro, Pics would be great. I've thought about a topical keto cream too, how much is it costing to make?

Where u find the pure Keto powder?



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Thanks for the reply bro

Cost Breakup:

Coconut Oil 100 ml around 25 cent or 10 Indian rupees (I'm from india)
Keto+zpto (solution) 120ml around $2 or 100 indian rupees(inr)
Capsules: pack of 15 for around $3 or Rs. 150

So say roughly $5-6 or Rs. 300 :)

And that keto+zpto is in solution form, Also I was thinking to use minoxidil as base solution instead of coconut oil.

Pics are coming '.... setting-up the stage for the show ;-)


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I have been using it for at least 7 months now. It along with minoxidil helps to grow vellus hairs.