question for el_dut and\or hellouser


Established Member
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hey there,
well - lol - im not sure which one of you has written it,

but ive seen a few days ago a reply you'd made to some post, and basically i dont remember anything besides this -

the talk was about some new 'cutting edge' **** - that its name - 3 letters starting with 'm' (smth like ~MNS+-) - followed by the number '32' (thats i know for sure), and than some gel.
the product has been tested on a very few men in the ages of 22-50 (more or less), and they have been taking it for just about 3 weeks, and than - supposedly - they dont have to take it anymore or something like that ****.
and in that 3 weeks period - it cures baldness almost totally.
the last thing i remember for sure is - that the stuff was virtually unreachable to anybody, but apperantly the dude that wrote that reply (el_dut\hello) has some connections and he had managed to get the stuff and promised to share its results.

some chances it was on hlh, though im pretty sure it was in here, or maybe (low chance again) - in btt
hmmm anything - anyone ?


Senior Member
My Regimen
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hey there,
well - lol - im not sure which one of you has written it,

but ive seen a few days ago a reply you'd made to some post, and basically i dont remember anything besides this -

the talk was about some new 'cutting edge' **** - that its name - 3 letters starting with 'm' (smth like ~MNS+-) - followed by the number '32' (thats i know for sure), and than some gel.
the product has been tested on a very few men in the ages of 22-50 (more or less), and they have been taking it for just about 3 weeks, and than - supposedly - they dont have to take it anymore or something like that ****.
and in that 3 weeks period - it cures baldness almost totally.
the last thing i remember for sure is - that the stuff was virtually unreachable to anybody, but apperantly the dude that wrote that reply (el_dut\hello) has some connections and he had managed to get the stuff and promised to share its results.

some chances it was on hlh, though im pretty sure it was in here, or maybe (low chance again) - in btt
hmmm anything - anyone ?



Established Member
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yea im pretty sure thats the one - bnp-32 - gelsomething - right ?

can you tell me more about this ?


Senior Member
My Regimen
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yea im pretty sure thats the one - bnp-32 - gelsomething - right ?

can you tell me more about this ?

The stuff never worked. The gel was 'lubrajel'

Don't bother looking into this.