Question for finasteride/proscar users?


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Have any of you noticed increased acne from using finasteride? My face and shoulders have a few zits...I'm not sure if its from the finasteride or starting to work out again.


Established Member
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I think most of us here had a bought with acne, at least those of us who are still in the low 20's and teens. But yes that is normal, I know I broke out for awhile, but it passed soon enough, every now and again I still do like once every 2 months or so, but the sides really just pass. But anyway dont get freaked out that is normal, just use saclylic acid, once in the morning and once before bed, or benzel peroxide 2 times a day and that should take care of it, just remember to wash your wash when you get the chance, that certainly made a difference for me.


Experienced Member
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My dermatolgist told me when we were chatting that in theory finasteride should reduce your acne....In no way did he say that it can be used as a cure for acne. I just thought i should mention that.

But don't believe me do some research on how acne works and find out for yourself.


Senior Member
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Note: I had to use to figure out if the correct spelling was "Dryer" or "Drier". Apparently its Drier?? Bryan?

When you first start on Propecia, it takes over Testosterone's role of binding with the 5a enzyme. Usually that binding causes formation of DHT. Since finasteride binds with it instead, there is additional Testosterone in the system.

During the first month it is normal to see an increase in oiliness on the face, forehead, eyelashes, eyebrows, and T section of the face. This can and does result in minor acne for many people. The answer to your question is yes. During this time, your libido may also seem a little high. All due to the extra T floating around.

Your body will metabolize that extra T into estrogens in a couple weeks, and the result may be lower libido and significantly drier skin in the same areas. This dryness tends to remain consistent for the duration of finasteride use, although it will come and go sometimes.

There was a thread on this topic awhile back on the newsgroups. I think after everyone had replied we figured out that it depends on how your skin was to start out.

Guys who had acne problems tended to have clearer skin, and less acne while on Propecia.

Guys who had dry skin spoke of misery and woe because it got drier after that initial oily period.

Guys like myself who haven't had zits really at all, and had very normal skin, tended to report having drier than normal skin for the first time that just didn't feel healthy anymore. Of course this too was after that first month where things got oily.

Hopefully that answers your questions.