Question for guys several years after transplant surgery


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I had a touch up of previous hair transplant about 4 years ago, in the front, to soften the look of the old plugs. It worked pretty well and the hair grew out to where it was the most natural it had looked in years. If I did not comb it I actually had bangs. Not very dense, but I liked it. It made my hairline look better. I was pleased.

I got my hair cut quite a bit shorter earlier this year, including in the front. It had gotten kind of scraggly and I thought cutting it and letting it grow out again would be a good thing. I figured the hair would grow to the same length as before, but it did not. It seems like it just stopped growing and now doesn't look as good as it did. It just won't grow back like before. I wish I had not cut it so short now.

Nothing else has changed. No health issues or things like that. I am older now. Age 59. So my question is this. Has anyone else experiencde something like this? Good growth and then practically no growth down the road?
