Question for, Bryan, and anyone who has used Revivogen


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The company states that after about a year to a year and a half's use, we can cut down to about 3-4 applications a week. I've been using the stuff 1x a day for about 2 years- Do you really feel that Revivogen can still be equally effective if applied 3-4 times/week instead of daily? How can 3 times a week still inhibit the same amount of DHT production and produce equal results as 1x a day after 2 years? Thanks


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Well, when you think about it, using Propecia only 3 or 4 times a week works, too, so why couldn't we extend the same courtesy to Revivogen? :wink:

The reason that azasteroids like finasteride can work even when used rather intermittently is that the regeneration of the 5a-reductase type 2 enzyme itself is fairly slow, and it takes a couple of days or more for new enzyme to be produced once the finasteride has tightly bound to the old molecules. At the present time it's still unknown exactly how fatty acids inhibit that enzyme, but I suppose it's possible that there could be a similar long-duration effect.

I don't think anybody's saying that using any of these things only every-other-day is EXACTLY as good as using it every day, just that it's possibly good enough.



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Wow 2 years on revivogen! You must be seeing something positive! Whats up?????????????


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Yeah, can't beleive it's actually been that long! The reason i'm still on it is because it seems to be the only decent alternative to propecia, which i will not use. No real regrowth, but possible slowing down of loss. I started minoxidil around 4 months ago- some days i think my hair is looking way better, other days i think it's much worse and that minoxidil is to blame. I take it a day at a time.