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I know you are now using a Revivogen/spironolactone combo after you dropped Propecia b/c of side effects. I've been on propecia for 10 months now and not really sure if it's working - i haven't really taken pictures and i use a thickening shampoo that may even be deceiving me. Anyhow, I noticed a little more recession and some thinning on my temples, not much tho. I know propecia either stops or slows down hair loss - i think by the 10 month mark, i should get a good idea on what it's going to do for me. If Propecia is not working for me, does that mean a revivogen/spironolactone combo wouldnt work either? I haven't heard any cases of revivogen working after a failed attempt with propecia. Any thoughts?


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DP said:
i think by the 10 month mark, i should get a good idea on what it's going to do for me.
Not necessarily at all. I was on it for 3 years and I did not even really start to see progress until month 8 through 11. Months after that continued positive progress. The study data tells us that you will maximize at 2 years, not 10 months. You're still fairly new. It takes a lot of time.

If Propecia is not working for me, does that mean a revivogen/spironolactone combo wouldnt work either?
Unfortunately there is no way for me to answer that question. We don't know enough about hair loss or those treatments in comparison to Propecia, to give you an accurate response. All I can say is, "maybe, maybe not, but that could be a fair assumption"

I haven't heard any cases of revivogen working after a failed attempt with propecia.
Don't base what you do on what you hear. Ever. Base it on available study data. If you asked me if I can remember ever hearing anyone say Revivogen works for them on this forum, I would be hard pressed to remember. But I know despite what some of the weirdos out there say, its got more data than any of the alternative treatments most of them are using, while they simultaneously scoff at Revivogen. I also know that it has contributed to my hair maintenance. Sometimes the hair loss world is a backwards one, no doubt.