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...or someone else who is well-schooled in the scientific background of these treatments.

This question may not be answerable, but are minoxidil responders likely to be finasteride responders as well? It would seem to me that the same people whose follicles regrow and react to minoxidil would also regrow and react to finasteride.

I ask this question partly out of an interest in the way that these drugs work and partly out of my hopes that I'll regrow more hair on finasteride like I did on minoxidil.:)




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I dont think that is the case. Because minoxidil stimulated the hair follicle to somehow awake, and we dont know exaclty how. Finasteride attacks DHT, is does not stimulate growth in the follicle, it just stops the production of DHT which affects the hair follicle negativly.


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They're two totally different types of treatments so I wouldn't say there's a correlation between minoxidil responders and finasteride responders.
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I guess I'm a bit confused then. How do minoxidil and finasteride complement each other to produce maximum results? It seems to me that great results using the two of them in conjunction would have to do with the fact that the people who respond to one are likely to respond to the other because their male pattern baldness is susceptible to various treatments.

I'm likely wrong about this, but I'm curious. If I didn't believe in the big three, I wouldn't be using it. I understand the percentages behind each f the treatments; I just don't fully understand the whole science behind them that makes ithem so effective in combination.


most people are on propecia and minoxidil together, so it will be impossible to know which is producing results.

do you anyone who has tried propecia by itself long term, then stopped and tried minoxidil by itself long term?

hair mchair

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I don't seem to be responding to minoxidil as well as I did to finasteride.

The Gardener

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Theoretically speaking, I would think that Finasteride and spironolactone would very complimentary to each other. Minoxidil is an entirely different approach.


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MontyWockenfuss said:
I guess I'm a bit confused then. How do minoxidil and finasteride complement each other to produce maximum results? It seems to me that great results using the two of them in conjunction would have to do with the fact that the people who respond to one are likely to respond to the other because their male pattern baldness is susceptible to various treatments.

I'm likely wrong about this, but I'm curious. If I didn't believe in the big three, I wouldn't be using it. I understand the percentages behind each f the treatments; I just don't fully understand the whole science behind them that makes ithem so effective in combination.
Its pretty basic really. One inhibits DHT and *allows* the hair to grow unafflicted by DHT. The other stimulates growth. Growth stimulation in the absence of DHT inhibition is like a poorly oiled machine. It can still run but not optimally. Growth stimulation in the presence of DHT inhibition is like a well oiled machine. Optimum hair production.