Question For Nutrition Experts or


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if hair is made up of protien, what exactly would happen, or do you figure might happen if your body is not getting enough protien because of diet, your not functioning properly and losing protien, or a combination of both?? basically, what do you think would happen to your hair if you were protien defficient, and would it effect mbp areas, your whole head of hair, or all the hair on your body??


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This isn't a real good answer but protein is beneficial for your hair. There is a guy at work who is a NW6 and started taking a high quality protein mix everyday and he swears it helped him grow some hair back.


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This isn't a real good answer but protein is beneficial for your hair. There is a guy at work who is a NW6 and started taking a high quality protein mix everyday and he swears it helped him grow some hair back.

thanks for the answer fifty. what i meant to title this topic was "nutrition experts or anyone with a theory" i just want to see people discuss their ideas on this to try and get an idea of what might be the truth.

the reason i ask is because after several doctor visits about 9 months ago, i was told that my kidneys were spilling too much protien in my urine. i didnt have the money to keep going and getting prodded with no answers, and i figured that im not going to die, so i never got it resolved. i decided if my hair was falling out it had to be male pattern baldness.

but now after a year on propecia and 4 months on minoxidil, my hair count and quality on top has gotten worse. what seems odd however is that the quality of hair on the sides and back have gotten worse also. i have also noticed that my eyebrows have gotten a little thinner, and eyebrow/eyelash hairs can be plucked much more easier.

i dont know as much about body hair because i never had thick leg or arm hair. this is all very concerning because if the back and sides are effected, it rules out any chance of a transplant. i dont have as much hair, but i still have alot of very fine hair, so i dont doubt that i am naturally losing some hair, but now i wonder if protien difficiency may be effecting my hair alot because i also dont have a very protien rich diet, so i dont think my body is getting adequate amounts of protien. i wonder to what extent it could be effecting the quality of my hair if at all.

i figure that being on 2 major hair loss drugs for this long would at the very least keep the quality of the back and sides the same even if it were possible for male pattern baldness to effect that area at some point.


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i forgot to add that at no point on those 2 drugs have i seen a slowing or a stoppage of hairloss in any area. my hair has continued to get worse at what seems to be the same pace this whole time, and while starting those drugs with a dense head of hair, the areas that have been tested to improve have gotten worse. after the minoxidil shed things never got better and hair quality has continued to get worse after the shed. so it appears that minoxidil actually sped things up. dont know if i ever saw a shed on propecia. i am receeding a bit, and i have no hairless spots on top, but the entire quality of hair has been the problem. the amount of hair on my scalp is not the problem.