Question for those that have used both Tricomin and Folligen


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Once and for all, which do you guys (users that have used both) think is better considering they are supposed to do the exact same job. From what I have been led to believe is that Folligen is a newer and cheaper version of Tricomin. But, does this necessarilly make it better?

Why is Tricomin substantially more expensive given that it contains substantially less in quantuty.

Personally, I don't mind paying the extra cost to purchase Tricomin if it would do a better job.


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IMO, Folligen is much, much better.

The Tricomin currently available to the public is not the same strength that was used in the FDA trials. They claim that their "enhanced delivery system" more than compensates for that, but I believe that is pure marketing BS. I have been around MANY hairloss forums for close to 5 years now, and the only positive thing I've heard about Tricomin is that it feels good on the scalp(which is no doubt due to the menthol it contains) and that it is a nice leave in conditioner. Nothing for helping for hairloss.

On the flip-side, I have heard several good reports about Folligen in its crucial role to help with inflammation. Its only downside is that it stings for the first few weeks of use, but that eventually subsides.

I have used both. Tricomin makes my hair look nicer after it was applied and Folligen makes it look like sh*t. However, Folligen did a much better job at soothing my scalp and making my hair look better in the long run. I feel it is a good adjunct for other products such as minoxidil and Finasteride.


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[/quote]The Tricomin currently available to the public is not the same strength that was used in the FDA trials. They claim that their "enhanced delivery system" more than compensates for that, but I believe that is pure marketing BS. I have been around MANY hairloss forums for close to 5 years now, and the only positive thing I've heard about Tricomin is that it feels good on the scalp(which is no doubt due to the menthol it contains) and that it is a nice leave in conditioner. Nothing for helping for hairloss.
There's no reason to doubt the effective concentration of Tricomin. The proof is in the increase in growth rate and decrease in inflammatin of both tricomin and folligen. Ive used both and they seem pretty comparable, with tricomin winning in the decrease in inflammation category. Tricomin "soothes" the scalp, elliminating itching completely, because of its ability to reduce inflammation and fibrosis, not because of menthol. Putting menthol on your scalp may help, but its over all effect will be a drying of the scalp, making it worse over time. So, your theory is likely incorrect.

Also, folligen give your hair a green tint. If green hair doesnt bother you then follgien might be for you.


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JesusFreak said:
If green hair doesnt bother you then follgien might be for you.

:lol: Nice... :lol:

JesusFreak, have you used both Tricomin and American Crew? Do you know if there are any differences between them?


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Do you know if there are any differences between them?

Tricomin might be a little stronger, but both have the same effect on growth rate and inflammation. But, I think that the saw palmetto and green tea makes the AC a better product. The cheaper price and nice smell help too.


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Thanks, maybe I'll try the AC next time around....


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You guys are free to try whatever you like. As I said before, my response was simply based on my opinion, and after years of reading testimonials from both products.


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I'm currently just trying different things out. I happened to choose Tricomin first, largely based on the fact that lists it as a "proven" treatment, whereas Folligen is not listed as such.

If I'm dissatisfied with Tricomin after a few months use, maybe I'll switch.
However, have blonde hair, so I'm really concerned that Folligen will make my hair turn green.

Also, Tricomin is more expensive, therefore, it must work better, right? :wink:


Jesusfreak, I apply minoxidil 5% once in the morning and once at night so if i was to go for american crew how often/when would i need to apply? Do you reckon American Crew is as good as folligen? I've heard saw palmetto can cause a shed and other side affects, by using American Crew would I suffer any side affects?




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Yes, AC is comparable to folligen as far as effectiveness. Folligen may be stronger, but I dont think that translates into being significantly more effective.

No, you will get no shedding from AC. You apply AC 1X/day.

If you are using just minoxidil, you should probably consider either propecia or topical 2% spironolactone before the Cu peptide.

You might think about filling out your regimen so the rest of us know what you are doing.


Jesusfreak, heres my regim.
I've been on regaine 5% since the start of february and just added nizoral 2%last month. I will start proscar but I want to wait a month till I get back from my holiday, for two reasons, the limp dick which could occur on holiday and a shed. What do you think of adding Retin-A cream to my regime? Would I massage a small amount into my scalp morning and night about ten minutes before I apply the minoxidil?