Question For u DIDDY, if ur still around


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hey diddy

Ive read all ur post and im glad propecia was very effective for u. I was wondering if propecia ever helped out ur hairline or did it just help out all the other areas? The reason i ask is because in ur 9 and 10 month updates u said that propecia had not done much for ur hairline yet and i dont think u ever said anything about it in ur later posts.



I don't think diddy is really around any more. But i think i might be able to give you an answer. If you look at his pics, his major problem area was his the right side of his hairline. It was extremely thin and looked like, as he said, ***. But notice in his 9month pics, his right temple thickened up reasonably. ALso his whole hairline looked significantly better. He basically said that he did not get much in terms of new regrowth near the hairline, but he did get thickening of the existing hairs. Hopefully this answers your question.


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I'm still around now and again.
Yeah my hairline i think is near identical to before propecia, maybe slightly lower. Badasshairdays right though, my major problem was my right temple was receded to a 1.5/2, yet diffused back all the way to a 3 or so. When wet you could see a trail leading almost all the way up to my crown. Basically my hairline has remained a 1.5, but that diffuse trail has thickened up dramatically, alongside my entire head in general. I've noticed a couple odd hairs sprout up near my original hairline, but nothing to write home about, plus i end up cutting most of those stragglers because they stand out all weird. Basically propecia to this date has probably doubled my hair density / quality , period. To me the improved density has given me enough styling options to easily distract from my high hairline.

The shedder

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Hey Diddy, congrats. At what month did you notice your hairloss slow and how many hairs do you lose a day now when you shampoo or notice? Just trying to get a general idea, thanks.