Question for you hair transplant experts


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If one was to get a hair transplant and then went on finasteride or rogaine and new hair started growing right in the same spot as the new grafts then what would happen? Would the new grafts be pushed out or would the new hair just grow out of the side? The same question applies to new future treatments. Thank you


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I guess no one has answered because its not the normal way of doing things. It makes more sense to try meds first and then only get a transplant if you're not happy with the results.


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Your previous follicles are destroyed when the surgeon pokes hole on your scalp to put the grafts.
I've always thought about that, like the fact in the future hair transplants could actually be considered bad because of how you are placing hair in areas which were previously hair follicles who've since been decommissioned, like isn't there evidence of miniature hairs remaining in the areas even after years of being stricken with male pattern baldness. Like in the future if we have the drugs/technology to bringing those hair follicles back to life, wouldn't a hair transplant just be an obstacle for what would be your actual true normal hair, that's speaking in terms of the same density and total number grafts what was previously had. Like I think it's well known hair transplant's are much thinner than your normal hair, reasons being to cover more ground and it can never truly replace your previous hair in that area, tha's not to say hair transplant are bad because they really aren't, they are amazing! They're the best! The next best thing to a cure for male pattern baldness, or should I say a solution to Cue ballness.
I'm probably going to get negative feedback for saying all that, but it's just a thought, probably a stupid one at that.