Question for you System Rockers


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Hey guys whats up
Even though I am light years away from getting a system at my current condition I am still interested in learning about these systems and how do people who use them feel.
*Can you do sports with them? I like playing soccer and I get really sweaty after a while and it feels like someone poured a bottle of water on my head in terms of sweat, how does this work with a hair system?
*Same thing about swimming, like, can you go swimming in the ocean where the water are salty?
*Or being outside on a very hot day, wouldn't it ruin the glue?
*What if someone pulls your hair? like when people go "wow your hair grew pretty long!" and immediately run their hand over your hair without a warning.
*What if you still have some hair left over the area you're covering, how often will you have to remove the system and shave it?



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well...I have the same habits as you...but I am ready to compromise some if need to...I have read many reviews from guys doing sports...swiming and so on without any problem...and the sweat shouldn't be a problem too...all these if you use blue liner is the strongest and safer in these conditions...I am not wearing yet...but I am pretty open at this idea...I am fed up with minoxidil it creates me a lot of itching and nanogen who can sometime dirt my forehead...
so I will sure wear hair after seeing amazing matter what compromises's a tradeoff looking good over some maintanence and some money involved...


New Member
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excellent questions i was about to ask the exact same. lets see if u can find some answers


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A good and secure attachment is essential. Not everybody needs the absolute strongest adhesive, but some people do.

There are very active people who wear hair systems and work out, swim, do martial arts, etc. without a problem.

Heat will not ruin the glue. It may soften the adhesive slightly, but when you cool down, the adhesive will re-harden.

You don't necessarily need to shave the remaining hair under the base although you do want to attach the glue/tape to smooth skin. So you may only need to shave where the adhesive is to be attached.


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minoxidil_addict said:
Hey guys whats up
Even though I am light years away from getting a system at my current condition I am still interested in learning about these systems and how do people who use them feel.
*Can you do sports with them? I like playing soccer and I get really sweaty after a while and it feels like someone poured a bottle of water on my head in terms of sweat, how does this work with a hair system?
*Same thing about swimming, like, can you go swimming in the ocean where the water are salty?
*Or being outside on a very hot day, wouldn't it ruin the glue?
*What if someone pulls your hair? like when people go "wow your hair grew pretty long!" and immediately run their hand over your hair without a warning.
*What if you still have some hair left over the area you're covering, how often will you have to remove the system and shave it?


Hi,I wear and I also do Kenpo Karate.As was mentioned previously good attachment is the key.As each person's body chemistry reacts differently to particular glues and tapes it can be hit and miss until you find the right product that suits you.For Karate I wear a fairly short style so its harder for people to get much leverage when they attempt a hair grab.I also put wet look gel in my hair so as when I sweat all the hair has a wet look especially important If I'm wearing a skin unit.I prefer to remove every 2 weeks or so..I find the cleanup bit the real pain but again it depends opn what glues/tapes you use.