QUESTION: Propecia's effects on bodybuilding and workingout.


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i have tried to find as much info on this as i could. anyone know how the dht lowered levels will effect muscle development? i cant find any info on it.
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only slightly. some people even reported the opposite.
I had problems with gaining fat so I quit. Give it a shot and see how it works for ya.


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Juan Carlos Mederra said:
only slightly. some people even reported the opposite.
I had problems with gaining fat so I quit. Give it a shot and see how it works for ya.

some people reported more muscle gain as a result of the propecia?


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would it be a good idea to take Estrogen Blockers while taking propecia?

because if the body doesnt convert the testosterone to DHT it will prob try to convert to estrogen which is probably the reason people are having "b**ch tits" and fat gain. increase in fat tissue is a result of estrogen.


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Re: QUESTION: Propecia's effects on bodybuilding and working

pmzito said:
i have tried to find as much info on this as i could. anyone know how the dht lowered levels will effect muscle development? i cant find any info on it.

Finasteride (Propecia) shouldn't affect athletic performance. Finasteride inhibits the AR-2 isozyme that produces DHT and is located primarily in the prostate. This is the medical community's concensus on the matter; there still needs to be much research on the subject however.



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Re: QUESTION: Propecia's effects on bodybuilding and working

drinkrum said:
pmzito said:
i have tried to find as much info on this as i could. anyone know how the dht lowered levels will effect muscle development? i cant find any info on it.

Finasteride (Propecia) shouldn't affect athletic performance. Finasteride inhibits the AR-2 isozyme that produces DHT and is located primarily in the prostate. This is the medical community's concensus on the matter; there still needs to be much research on the subject however.


athletic performance doesn't mean much to me. tim duncan's physique is awful but he still plays great basketball. My concern is with the effect it has on Muscle and the body's ability to maintain lean muscle.


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Watch yourself for fat gain, like Juan Carlos warned. I lift regularly and it put a belly on me.


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Re: QUESTION: Propecia's effects on bodybuilding and working

pmzito said:
drinkrum said:
pmzito said:
i have tried to find as much info on this as i could. anyone know how the dht lowered levels will effect muscle development? i cant find any info on it.

Finasteride (Propecia) shouldn't affect athletic performance. Finasteride inhibits the AR-2 isozyme that produces DHT and is located primarily in the prostate. This is the medical community's concensus on the matter; there still needs to be much research on the subject however.


athletic performance doesn't mean much to me. tim duncan's physique is awful but he still plays great basketball. My concern is with the effect it has on Muscle and the body's ability to maintain lean muscle.

More research still needs to be done on this topic (see my latest post about the interesting clinical study currently underway), but so far it seems that finasteride does not interfere with muscle development nor maintenance.

While fat gain (weight gain) is not listed as one of finasteride's side effects, it can happen and probably does. Finasteride increases the amount of E2 (estradiol -- the potent form of estrogen) in the body, so it would make sense.



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The only estrogen blocker I would even think about taking is anastrozole (Arimidex) or letrozole (Femara). These drugs are called aromatase inhibitors, which means they inhibit the conversion of testosterone into estrogen (E2).

I have screwed around with Arimidex in the past and now and then take 1/4 or 1/2 a pill just to test whether I "feel" different, especially in the downstairs department. So far, my tests are unconclusive. And I am also increasingly uncomfortable toying with these drugs as they are indicated only for postmenopausal breast cancer patients. Obviously, not at all (not even close) indicated for men.

Also, there was an infamous canine study that showed finasteride + anastrozole increased prostate volume and testosterone very significantly. Not only could this contradict preventing hair loss, but it can have dangerous long-term side effects that haven't yet been studied. So again, more research needs to be done.



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sheesh i am starting to wonder if it is worth trying this propecia out or not. i got my proscar and took my first pill today and now im petrified about getting fat and having a non working penis.


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Check out my latest thread "For those concerned about muscularity and finasteride" for some answers.



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I train 5 days a week and at 6 foot 2 I was a pretty stocky 100 kilos after starting proscar (finasteride) I shot up too 110 kilos with the same diet & training (mostly fat :eek: )..

But after a few weeks/ months I tweaked my diet a little and I am in better shape now then I've ever been... I have found I've packed on muscle quite easilly whilst using proscar... Just my experience


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pmzito said:
holy sh*t!!!! that is scary!

i dont know

I have a worse story. I had a buddy in college, great guy, worked out a ton, godlike physique. Started losing his hair. Hopped on Propecia immediately. Bad side effects almost immediately.

Hair continued to fall out. Skin turned green. Gained damn near 800 pounds. Had to trade in his Porsche for a Taberian Junker. Only way he could keep women around was to chain them in bikinis.

I miss Jabba.


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I have seen Jabba about he had to have a lot of plastic surgery done after he had that problem with the warranty and insurance there was a clause he said something about cover void if damage is caused by acts of God or Jedi.

The problem is you have seen him he changed his name to Brad Pitt, smuggling and racketeering just did not pull in the money no more. :shock: