Question Regarding Alternative Treatments


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So today i went to see a trichologist and basically what he told me was since im young, they dont think i should use propecia however he said my options were transplant, rogaine for the crown not for the top and hes like he can preserve what i have and basically help it grow thicker stronger rather than increase the count. He advised to do low light laser therapy and buy this solution from him for 500 that will last me roughly 8 weeks.

he said his solution was entirely herbal and comprised of biotin and other vitamins and im curious what do you guys think of his claim

Should I try this solution out and has anyone ever had any success stories using laser combs? He seemed a little too adamant on selling me this hairmax laser comb for 1000 bucks i just wasnt sure it was going to get the job done for me.

Id like your opinion guys.


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500 for 8 weeks and all it is is vitamins? No, without a doubt don't buy that. It's likely to do nothing and even if you think it might work you can get biotin/vitamin solutions and shampoos for far cheaper. Don't buy it and call him out on trying to rip people off, please.

I know nothing about how well laser combs work but they are the very least controversial. I certainly don't have $1000 on something that's experimental at best but I don't know enough to advise you on it.


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He advised to do low light laser therapy and buy this solution from him for 500 that will last me roughly 8 weeks.

he said his solution was entirely herbal and comprised of biotin and other vitamins and im curious what do you guys think of his claim



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Trichologists are quacks. Speak to a dermatologist, though they're still pretty clueless, its at least a legitimate field of medicine.


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The derm i saw basically told me rogaine or propecia. At this point i think those are my only two real options.


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The derm i saw basically told me rogaine or propecia. At this point i think those are my only two real options.

The derm speaks the truth as far as proven treatments are concerned.