Question thats been playing on my mind..


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I've been on finasteride now for around 4-5 months,had a steady responce,my hair has stopped falling out like it was,and i've had no sides and relitively little in terms of shedding.

One thing at this point theres been no regrowth,now i KNOW i should be waiting 12 months to give finasteride a chance,but i want instant results,as we all do...Which brings me tto my theory/question..

If i started Rogaine now,used it for say another 8-10 months,along with also taking my usual 1mg finasteride each day,10 months down the line that would be over 12 months on finasteride...So if i stopped Rogaine at that point,i would lose any rogaine growth,BUT regain any finasteride regrowth,meaning i could determine what was working for me...Meaning i could work out if i needed one or both of the treatments?

I hope this makes sence!

Look forward to some replys!


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I got impatient after 3 succesful months on finasteride, I started minoxidil and am seeing mild regrowth around the 5-6 week mark, I have lost a LOT of density since starting it though, time wise this could be a simultaneous minoxidil and finasteride shed but I can just about deal with it as I'm really pleased to see the beginning of new hairs, if they all grow into strong hairs they will more than compensate. It's best to wait if you can but I personally need maximum results A.S.A.P.


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This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

You want some measurement of how much regrowth you get from Rogaine. But since you have not yet left the time frame in which you may be getting regrowth from finasteride, you have two choices --

1. Wait a few months until the finasteride regrowth (if any) is complete, and then go on Rogaine. The measurement of Rogaine's regrowth if how much you gain.

2. Go on Rogaine now, and then at some point in the future, once you exit the time frame in which you would be getting anymore regrowth from Rogaine, quit the Rogaine and see how much you lose.

While either of these would work, do you really want to have to lose hair in order to figure out how much good Rogaine is doing you? I'd just wait the few months.

(Furthermore, while the empirical evidence from human trials is pretty much that Rogaine gives an "offset of growth" that doesn't change the fundamental balding process, there is at least some in vitro evidence out there that Rogaine affects some of the growth inhibitors in the follicle that ultimately lead to irreversable damage to the follicle. For that reason, I'd be a little hesitant to ping pong Rogaine off and on, simply expecting that you would always be able to get back the same "offset of growth" every time.)


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youre asking: if you took roagine and regrew, then quit it while on finasteride, would you keep your hair because there wouldnt be any dht to kill your follicles like it did the first time.....

i think that would be a good bet

when you stop using rogaine, youre follicles become weak to dht again, causeing your hair to fall. but if there is no dht, you may not lose it

this is very interesting......never thought about it

any other comments/thoughts?


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That wasn't my original idea,or comment,but now you mention it that way it does sound intresting,although i guess someone else must have surely thought of this before!And even tried it!

What i meant is IF i was to get any growth from finasteride after around 12 months ,i would be able to see the growth after stoping Rogaine,as i'd only have my finasteride growth after losing the Rogaine growth.

This way i can determine wether its finasteride or Rogaine which helped or if it was even both.

In reality i dont think i would stop Rogaine and try this,as i wouldnt wanna risk not getting any growth back again.

But i'm really curious on this , its just a thought as i originally posted.


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Snoogans said:
youre asking: if you took roagine and regrew, then quit it while on finasteride, would you keep your hair because there wouldnt be any dht to kill your follicles like it did the first time.....

i think that would be a good bet

when you stop using rogaine, youre follicles become weak to dht again, causeing your hair to fall. but if there is no dht, you may not lose it

this is very interesting......never thought about it

any other comments/thoughts?

Does NOT work that way. You'll lose it.


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Let me put it this way for you..

Minoxidil gives the hair follicles the "energy drink" to start growing. And so they do..

Finesteride gives the follicles time to relax and breathe, and after they've recovered, they'll grow at their own pace.

If your giving your hair follicles time and relaxation.. but giving it an energy drink also.. then ultimately its the combination of both that gets your hair growing.

Take that "energy drink" away from the follicles, and its left to just simply relax and breathe, so it can no longer do the "growing" it did when it had the energy drinks. So instead of running.. its now just walking.. and any benefits from the running.. disappear.


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Who needs scientific jargon when you can supply an answer like you just have.

Appreciate it,thanks!

If i could wait around i would,but at this time,just like a poster above i'm itching to get results.

Although i think im responding well with finasteride,i dont want a situation 6 months down the line,where i would be regreting starting Rogaine,and because of not doing so,if my male pattern baldness got any worse i would be well peeved off.

I'm in two minds at the mo,and of course there is the fact that i could be taking the two and only needing the one!