Questions about beginning a regiment


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Hello everyone,

I have been looking around this site for some time now trying to find a beginning regiment. I'm just about a Norwood 1.5-2, and I have never taken anything for my hairloss in the past. From what I have gathered, I obviously need propecia as a base. I would also need to use nizoral and t-gel as a shampoos to moisturize my scalp, and reduce the possible shed caused by the propecia. ( i need a perscription for nizoral?) I would probably alternate these two every other day. Would I need to use folligen for my scalp as well if i dont take minoxidil? I am thinking about holding off on the minoxidil for at least a little while because i want to see what kind of results I would get with the propecia first. Currently, I would be satisfied with keeping the hair that I have with getting a little bit of regrowth. I feel that taking the minoxidil would make my problem worse with the shed (only for the first 6 months of coarse), but that now, as a Norwood 1.5-2, its not the right time for the minoxidil. Does anyone here have an opionon?


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It looks like your on the right track. you can buy Nizoral at RiteAid for about $11.00, 1%. They make a 2%, but you probably wont need it.
Only use Nizoral every 3rd to 4th day because the stuff is STRONG!!

I use to use Selum Blue (spelling?) for a long time, but Nizoral works much better!!

Good Luck!!

Green Soap

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FYI, it's "regimen".

A "regiment" is a military unit.'



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Using only 2% Nizoral shampoo won't do much of anything for you. In other words, if you're going to continue losing hair, you'll continue whether using Nizoral or not.

Nizoral is better served when used together with other products, where it has a synergystic effect. You should wash with Nizoral every other day or at least 3x/week, leaving it on the scalp for 10 minutes before rinsing.

A norwood 1 or 2 (I know you say you're 1.5-2) is really not balding, unless you went from a strong straight hairline to that. Most men will develop a Norwood 1 or 2 in their 20's. This doesn't mean you're going bald.

Also, regarding minoxidil, it will not cause you to permanently lose more hair. Any hair you lose (shed) in the beginning will grow back, probably thicker and fuller. If you're a Norwood 1 or 2 you absolutely will not notice any shedding if it occurs anyway. It's usually men who are in advanced stages of alopecia that actually notice the shedding.

Here's a potent topical hair-keeper stack for you to use. The minoxidil is optional, but it adds to this already-potent stack:

Nizoral 2% shampoo (eod on the scalp for 10 mins.)

Azelaic acid 5% applied 2x/day

Spironolactone 5% cream applied 2x/day

Minoxidil 5% (1 ml applied 1-2x/day)

Here's some great sites offering these products:


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If you live in the US, and you don't have a prescription, it's 1%.
You can also look at the bottle, the active ingredient is 1% kaopectate or something...


NO prescription needed for Nizoral 2% in the U.K, don't know about the rest of the planet

the active ingredient is ketoconazole and you can tell what percentage it is because it is written on the bottle, 20mg/g (2%) in the U.K


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TortoiseAndHair said:
If you live in the US, and you don't have a prescription, it's 1%.
You can also look at the bottle, the active ingredient is 1% kaopectate or something...

The kaopectate reference was a joke, btw... :wink:


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Better than quoting my own sig :)


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Someone's been drinking their minoxidil again :wink: