Questions About Derma Rolling, Massage, And Something Weird


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Has anyone experienced a change in bleeding after needling through time, especially if and after massage was introduced?

Ive been rolling since about April, 1mm every 10-14 days and somewhat intermittently with a smaller (.3-.5) needles more frequently with minoxidil 1x per day or essential oils (Ive been on minoxidil off and on for like 20 years..). Results as of yet, not amazing, seemed to perk up the front.. Honestly, I probably was not thorough enough with the derma rolling, and would usually conclude a session in maybe under 5 minutes. so maybe not rolling enough. I think the very idea of any scalp stimulation seemed such an improvement I did too little.

For the last 3 weeks or so I have been massaging, suddenly everything clicked in as I discovered that some have had great success, and that I realized my scalp was thick, and the thickest most rigid skin was where the loss was worst. Massage has induced dandruff like flaking. I have been at it pretty hard and it really feels different and better, but in doing so I have brutalized many short weak hairs either by shedding or breakage, and I also trimmed my most miniaturized hairs on the crown when I began massaging, after realizing how weak and brittle they were anyway.. So its looking pretty all time bad right now.

So Im worried. But they say the darkest hour is right before the dawn. I got a new burst of encouragement with seeing some of these results threads, I hadn't seen before. I upgraded to a 1.5 and something weird happened.. Even though I used longer needles, I didn't bleed.

Usually I would bleed pretty good, at least 2 or 3 blots required with a paper towel initially with the 1mm.. The weird thing is that though I upgraded to 1.5 mm no blood. This was last night, and I maybe wasn't pushing as hard as I have, but it hurt, I could hear the needles like they were popping bubble wrap, and there was essentially zero blood... I was far more thorough, and really covered everything and it left a distinct pain/ stinging sensation for 20-30 minutes that I don't recall previously. Im wondering how or if the several weeks of thorough massage could or would have changed the vasculature or something?

My scalp definitely feels "looser" and different now, post beginning massage. This needling session was extremely "awakening".. so hoping for some positive results. I massaged about an hour after, couldn't help it- its weird to have a scalp with feeling after having it feel sorta dead and numb and tight for so long.

Very close scalp photos (new phone) show what appear to be a few stronger hairs appearing, and what appears to be disproportionately darker follicles below thin hairs.. so Im hopeful change is on the horizon. Sorry this was so long, thanks for any input.