Questions about Hair Transplants


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Hey guys

This time last year my hairline was perfect but now im pushing a nw3 (On one side only) and hate it, My hair was everything to my appearance now it goes 70% of the way across my skelp then just stops. I want to get a hair transplant but I'm broke I literally have only $100 in my savings and have $40 free a week after bills.

How much did your hairtransplant cost?
Do you have any advice on how i should go about getting one?


Established Member
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2800 grafts at $8 a graft with Acell and PRP from Dr. John Cole. Do the math but I really can't say how much the final cost was. For what ever reason he cut me a break. I owe him big time for that.

1) Find 3 mechanics and vist them all for an idea of what your up against and REALISTIC goals. After the visit tell the shop what your up against financially. most will show you the door or talk about finance programs but maybe just maybe you might find a diamond.

2) Be creative. one guy posted a kickstarter for a documentary. Maybe find some great friends that can help you do this.

3) Find some friends and try to go in together for an hair transplant. Buy in bulk??

I'm sure you did your research about FUE/FUT, Big 3, and PRP. Best of luck my friend.
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2177 grafts for $1 US dollar per graft.
Surgeon was Dr Radha in India.

You can find extremely cheap hair transplant surgeons, but you have to shop very carefully and research them and their results.

Also, compared to most cosmetic surgeries, hair transplants are a bit of a gamble. Going to **********************, you'll even find people with awful botch jobs from the best surgeons there are, such as Hasson and Wong, so you have to factor in that you might have to pay for a repair/second transplant if your surgeon doesn't offer it for free. Hair transplants are often not just one surgery to be fully satisfied, especially if you want a very full density.


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looking at around 10k buy the preservatives don't become another frankenstein ! !!!!!!!!!


Experienced Member
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2177 grafts for $1 US dollar per graft.
Surgeon was Dr Radha in India.

You can find extremely cheap hair transplant surgeons, but you have to shop very carefully and research them and their results.

Also, compared to most cosmetic surgeries, hair transplants are a bit of a gamble. Going to **********************, you'll even find people with awful botch jobs from the best surgeons there are, such as Hasson and Wong, so you have to factor in that you might have to pay for a repair/second transplant if your surgeon doesn't offer it for free. Hair transplants are often not just one surgery to be fully satisfied, especially if you want a very full density.

are you seriously recommending this surgeon when you have another thread open showing you are unsatisfied with your result.....