Questions about Nizoral


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I want to kwon fully the impact of using Nizoral Shampoo. I've done a bit of research and I'm still a bit confused. I've come across statements liek the followng - "Nizoral also decreases testosterone levels": Does this include Nizoral shampoo or is this just for the oral format?

Can Nizoral be considered to be just like applying a shampoo like head & shoulders or T-Gel or is it like using a prescribed drug?

I take antideppresants - am I at risk?

Please let me know of any other possible sde effects of using this shampoo - Thanks!

Finally if I do decide to use Nizoral I also plan to use it with Elvive thickeing shampoo - any opinions on this combiantion?


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As to decreasing hormone levels...I've never heard that with the shampoo, I don't think so. But of course, it may be true, I don't know. Though the warning label on the back does say, "If pregnant or breast-feeding, as a doctor before use." So its possible.

Nizoral shampoo is just that...a shampoo, the only difference in application from others is that it is suggested to lather it on ur scalp and then leave it there for about 5 mins, then rinse it out, to give full effect.

No, using anti-depressants does not put you at risk.

The only other side effect is what some call the nizoral itch...its like a slight tingly feeling for a while after you wash your hair with it...but its not exactly life-threatening.

Don't know much about Elvive shampoo, but just pick one you like, most of us go for a thickening shampoo and there are a bunch out there. A good shampoo to use in combo is just one that you like.

Remember, you can buy 1% ketoconazole (the active ingredient) nizoral over the counter, without prescription. Its original purpose is to be an anti-dandruff shampoo, so serious side effects are of course minimal. The only other warnings are not to use it on a broken or inflamed scalp, not to use it if allergic to the ingredients in the shampoo, and not to get it in your eyes.

Good luck with your battle and I would definitely recommend adding nizoral to your regimen.


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The tingly feeling means its working. Its like when you put alcohol on an open wound, it burns which means its working. If the wound didn't itch and burn, then something would be wrong.


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Yah I know, just letting him know of any and all effects of the stuff.