Questions about swisstemples's protocol.


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The question is, since anti androgens are indirectly inhibiting PGD2. Why is seti needed? I'm making the switch from finasteride to seti when it finally comes out but I don't completely understand this part. I'm guessing androgens are only one of the paths leading to PGD2? What are the other paths?

Also, do you know why once you stop taking exogenous PGE2 you won't lose the hair as long as you are on seti/finasteride? I'm asking because you lose hair grown via PGE1 once you stop the treatment.


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1) Seti is supposed to be a more targeted treatment compared to finasteride with less sides.

2) Why would you switch from finasteride to seti? Take both at the same time. I'd also consider adding wounding+LiCl for regrowth just in case it actually does something. It's only once a week deal.

3) pge2 is supplementary, wont regrow a single hair by itself i believe. It just sends signal to your body to grow hair or something like that. Besides that, nobody knows much about it.


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yeah, i'll add wounding to my regime in the following weeks. I'm a bit scared of lithium chloride since the label says it shouldn't be absorbed by skin. What's an alternative?


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yeah, i'll add wounding to my regime in the following weeks. I'm a bit scared of lithium chloride since the label says it shouldn't be absorbed by skin. What's an alternative?

Lithium is harmless. And you are using small amount once a week.


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What firstpost said. DHT changes the genetic expression of your scalp, causing more pgd2 to be produced. If you apply seti and exogenous pge2, the idea is you are taking your scalp back to pre-male pattern baldness state. Now, obviously you have to reactivate stem cells if your hair loss has progressed that far. A normal hair scalp contains high pge2, low pgd2.. This helps maintain the anagen cycle. Once male pattern baldness hits, the DHT causes apoptosis through pgd2. Thus, less anagen maintenance, more follicles sent to telogen. And antagonists of certain stem cells do not allow your hair to go back into anagen.