Questions for ALL mico users, past and present,chime in plz!


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Hey guys.

So I have been using mico now for about 1 month and I believe it is helping me thicken up my hairline. But I am concerned about some possible sides.

Just wanted to get a quick overview of what people who have used it have experienced. Please take 1 second to chime in. Thanks so much!

#1. Did you experience any eye related side effects? (hazy vision, blurriness?, bags under eyes?)

#2. Did you experience any sexual side effects? (loss of erection strength, loss of libido?) If so did they dissipate after continuing with treatment?

Please all users please chime in for a couple seconds. Would be so grateful!


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I know there are some mico users out there.. Please take a sec and chime in! oso much appreciate it.. Thanks!


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If miconazole is giving you blurry vision, what difference does it make if others are experiencing this as well? Does it make it any less or any more meaningfully palatable to your own treatment regimen?

It either effects you and you stop, or it doesn't.


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well, because it is somewhat hard to tell if mico is really *causing* it. I already had the symptom to a small degree before using mico, and it feels like mico is exasterbating, but its very hard to say definitively. By getting feedback from other users, it would support a train of thought, either for mico or against.

Gazzle if could please restrain from needing to correct me, and just let me know if you got these side effects, or please mind your own business. I respect you and think you are a smart and valuable addition to the forums, but I dont think it is neccessary for you to chime in and correct on something that absolutely has no effect on you whatsoever. Thanks man.


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No vision or sexual side-effects whatsoever mang. Those sides aren't even congruent with this specific drug's side effect profile.

However MN might give me a slight headache.

This conversation was already talked about at length on this page following your question about dark eye circles, 2nd post.
