Questions for former Hair Club clients/current hair wearers


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I am a former hair club client. I wore hair from 2000-2006. In 2006 I realized that my recession wasn't getting any worse so I stopped wearing and cancelled at HCM. The $500 price tag/month also helped my decision.
For the last 5 years I have been combing forward/messing it with a nice lil comb-forward (Not the most attractive look obviously). I am thinking about wearing again as my recession is now worsening and I miss having that full head of hair. I am balding on the sides and thinning in the middle. My crown is still full of hair so basically I wore a partial for the top and combed a lil of my own hair over the back of the system and wore it with a spiky/messy look.
Here are the questions I have for those who have left HCM in the past and have moved on to doing your own thing.
1) I would like to call HCM and request them to send me my file including my old measurements, details of my old systems and any old hair I had paid for so that I can use that info when I order my own hair online. Has anyone done this? Do you think they would give me this information? That way I wouldn't have to remeasure/match colors etc.
2) I am hearing different opinions on many hair dealers online. Hair direct, ba hair apparent, toplace, hair4all, coolpiece, shinenomore, etc. Which one TRULY has the best hair for the money? Honest, experienced answers would be appreciated. :)
3) If I can't get my old info from HCM I need to know which systems are the best to order. What type of base, hair system etc. I have heard that the Swiss Lace base with Ultra Swiss Front is a good option...any ideas?
I have really thick hair everywhere else and want something that matches, that is durable and can last me 3-4 months.

I would really appreciate any responses. Thank you in advance for your help!