Questions from a returned user!!


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This was my very last post on this forum. It has been a long time and I have been visiting occasionally to read posts but nothing major. As you can read on the post, i got good results with finasteride so I just completely forgot about hairloss for a good ten months. For those of you who are too lazy to read the posts, I will recap what happened.
Started finasteride at 19, last year in june. got good results. i was only taking 1/8 of a 5mg proscar tablet every other day. Thats like .625 every other day which is roughly quarter of the recommended dose. Nevertheless i got good results.
Now forward nearly over a year. I got a shed. YES i got a shed. Didnt have a shed when i started so this shed freaked me out. happened at the tenth month mark About april/may
Continued for 2.5 months.
My hair is much more stable now . The shed seems to be over. WAS this expecteed?
And also I started going to the gym in february so wpould my testerone level have increased causing the shed? should i increase the dose to compensate for the increased testerone level?

Any feedback will be appreciated


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Perhaps increasing the dose wont be necessary since the shedding has stopped. What I do find interesting is that you are the second person that has used a lower dose with good results. Hmmmm, maybe starting at a low dose and increasing it in time will be the best bet. Very very interesting.....


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brasileirao said:
Perhaps increasing the dose wont be necessary since the shedding has stopped. What I do find interesting is that you are the second person that has used a lower dose with good results. Hmmmm, maybe starting at a low dose and increasing it in time will be the best bet. Very very interesting.....

search for micro propecia dosage on google forums. very interesting info