questions on boyfriends hairloss.


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I posted on here about 1-2 months ago and got some very helpful responses. My boyfriend is 37 and his hair is receding and he wants to stop the hairloss, at least maintain what he has and it would be nice to have some re-growth.

It was highly recommended that he go back on Propecia, which he has, and he now knows he needs to stay on it for a year to see any results.

So with that, it was also mentioned he should get on Nizoral shampoo. What exactly does it do? What strength? Where can he buy it and what online webistes tend to have the best prices ?

He still has not done the Minoxidil routine yet. It was recommended that he get on Propecia and stay on it longer and not quit (which he has gotten back on it) do the Nizoral shampoo, and get on some sort of Minoxidil.

Rogaine is Minoxidil right? I thought I remember reading it was not for receding hairlines, but for balding in the crown area.

Thank you again



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He can pick up 1% nizoral at really any store that sells shampoo for the most part. This helps irritation and even has stated that he did not see any results from finasteride until he started using it.
p.s. Why don't you just have your BF come here for himself that way you would not have to do it. Also when and if he starts to shed it would be helpful for him to come for reassurance.


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I am encouraging him to come to this website, but he works all day out in the field and I sit behind a PC all day so it is easier for me to dig it up.

I have some questions on Minoxidil. My boyfriend really has no family history of hairloss. He has 9 brothers and none is losing their hair, and his father has a full head of hair at 64. BF is only receding at the hairline.

Should he still use it? Also 2% or 5%? Are drugstore prices on Nizoral pretty good? what is considered a good price for it?

I see alot of this stuff on ebay. Does anyone use it for this stuff?



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If it is only a bit receded he does not need any minoxidil, the rule of thumb is to stay on propecia for a year and then asses the results to see it he should or should not add minoxidil. From what you are saying propecia should be fine for him. nizoral will probably run you from 9 to 13 bucks is what I am guessing, but the bottle will last a long time. The 1% should be fine for him as far as nizoral in concerned, I think they only make a 2% but do not go any higher than that as far as I know but the 2% is by prescription only.


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How long has your boyfriend's hairline been receding? It is important to know this before anyone can accurately advise him to start on minoxidil right away. Hair lost prior to four years ago will not be regained, and hair lost prior to one year ago may or may not be regained. If he has been losing his hair gradually over a long period of time, he isn't going to regain a lot no matter what he does. However, the good news is that he stands an excellent chance of stopping his hairloss and regaining what was lost recently. That's the tradeoff.

If you lose it fast, you can regain more because you've lost more within a recent time period. OTOH, it is going to be more difficult to prevent future loss if you're losing it fast. If you've lost it less quickly but over a longer period of time, you stand a poorer chance of regaining much of what you've lost, but you stand an excellent chance of keeping what you have now, and regaining a little.

If your boyfriend doesn't want to use minoxidil, I strong recommend he consider using a copper peptide product, either Tricomin or Folligen. Both have been proven to promote regrowth, and both are easy to use. They dry within 10 minutes and leave no residue. Use either one twice daily, and put on the entire hariline, vertex and crown, using a dropper (not the sprayer that comes with the product). No topical does any good on the hair, it has to be on the scalp.

If he doesn't want to use minoxidil twice daily, he could consider using it once a day, say at night perhaps half an hour before he goes to bed. Kirkland brand is very inexpensive and is actually chemically identical to Rogaine.

As far as Nizoral goes, he can get 2% from many overseas online sellers. Do a google search -- you'll come up with several.

Just remember that an approach recommended for a 20-something is not necessarily the best approach for a 37-year-old.


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He has been losing his hair for about 3 years, it started when he was going through his divorce. His hair loss has been pretty gradual and so far he is only receding. he doesn't seem to be losing much anywhere else.

He has no qualms at all about trying minoxidil it just that the stuff I have read in the past states it is not for receding hairlines, it seems to be more for people losing at the crown/vertex. Minxidil is not too expensive and there is some good deals on 5% generic on ebay. Somebody is selling a years worth of 5% for 73.00USD and 8.00 shipping.

So if you think Minoxidil is worth a try right now and not a total waste of my $$ I will buy him some.

what does this Nizoral shampoo do actually, does it stimulate anything or just help wuth dryness?


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In the FDA testing for Rogaine, it was tested only on the vertex and crown, not on the hairline. Therefore the FDA would not allow Pfizer to advertise that Rogaine works for the hairline. However, other tests have shown that it is equally effective on the hairline. If your boyfriend has been receding only for three years, there is a reasonable chance that he can recover most of what he loses, but only if he attacks the problem immediately. Finasteride (Propecia) should stop his hairloss where it is now, but it is unlikely to generate a lot of regrowth on its own.

I would also use the copper peptides, since they also promote regrowth and alleviate scalp irritation, which minoxidil causes for some people. He can apply the copper peptide product and minoxidil at the same time.

Nizoral relieves scalp irritation as well as promoting regrowth. Test have shown that 2% Nizoral is about as effective as generating regrowth as 2% minoxidil. It should be used three times a week, and because it tends to dry your hair, a good conditioner should also be used on those days. 1% Nizoral, which is not prescription, is almost as effective as 2%.


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Wow, will you be my girlfriend so you can visit this site everyday for me???? :love-struck: You could keep me posted on what's new. Then I would not have to come to this website every damn day! You could come here for me. That would be great!


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well the majority have men have some sort of hairloss while aging. You said his whole family, including his dad do not suffer from any too much hairloss, how does his hairline compare to theirs?
chances are if its not that bad he won't lose anymore hair, or to much more then they have, unless his mom had an secret affair with some bald guy :freaked:, then hes is screwed.
seriously though i wouldn't go on minoxidil, it will cause shedding and could even make it worse then it is, not to mention its a pain to apply and is greasy.
If he really wants to do something about i would suggest propecia or proscar, there both the same except propecia is 1mg of finasteride and proscar is 5mg of finasteride, you divide the proscar.
If he decides to go finasteride, he must stick with it as chances are it will only maintain and he won't see the results until a year usually, because he most likely will go through sheds to keep him from seeing its potential.


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I'm sorry, but there is a lot of misinformation in powhound's post. First, just because someone's brothers and father don't exhibit male pattern baldness, that doesn't mean that that person can't have it. male pattern baldness is genetically-based, but it can come from either side of the family, and it won't always show up in every person in a family. It is entirely possible that it can be found in one person and not his brother or father. This is especially plausible in your boyfriend's case since he has a late onset.

Second, minoxidil will not make one's hair worse. It might cause a temporary shed, but it doesn't in everyone, and the hair shed grows back.

Third, not all minoxidil formulations are greasy. Some are, some aren't, if you read this forum, you'll see which ones are. There is a version of minoxidil called Xandrox that is not greasy. Furthermore, if that is a problem, apply minoxidil at night before going to bed. In half an hour even the Kirkland brand, probably the greasiest, will be dry.