Questions on finasteride/dosing/gyno


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I wanted to start this thread both out of personal concern and as a way to collate some information that is hard to gather in all of the specifically finasteride/gyno-related threads.

About me: Started finasteride a week ago, 1 mg ED. My biggest paranoia about the drug is gyno rather than erectile dysfunction, since, from what I've read, the dysfunction is pretty nearly always reversible anyway. Gyno, however, seems to be a different beast.

Now for the questions:

1) What, if any, are the warning signs of oncoming gyno?

From most of the threads I've read, it's mainly guys who either already have or think they might have gyno, based on visuals, who are posting and asking questions. What I want to know is: what are the early symptoms of its onset, before you look and think, "I have breasts"? Or, is this an impossible question to answer since such symptoms are too easily confounded with things like weight gain and, say, initial bodily adjustments to the new hormone regime?

On a personal level, I ask because the only side effect I seem to have, after a week on finasteride, is something I can only describe as diffuse sharp pains and soreness - almost exactly like one would feel after doing bench presses for the first time in ten years - in my breasts (if that's the right word for them). There's also a kind of dull heaviness there. Could this be an "early warning sign"? And if so, is it really possible to get gyno symptoms that fast?

I'm fully aware that I've never paid any attention to my "breasts" before. I've never had gyno, and I'm fairly skinny (5'9, 150 lbs.). But now, what with the paranoia and all, I'm focused on every passing sensation. I started feeling around the nipples and outer areas today and I realized I have no idea what "normal" is, since I have no basis for comparison. So, the result is: "Is this hardness? Are these lumps?" - you get the picture. I'm not being alarmist; I just want some info here to try to sort out what is likely real and what is likely in my head. At least some probabilities, given my "symptoms."

2) Aside from anti-estrogens, is there any less potent and dangerous way to *potentially* combat the gyno-causing estrogen increase?

This is a big one. I've seen a couple threads posing this question that never went anywhere. I've seen zinc suggested, and if that's accurate I'd like more specifics on that. How would it work in theory? At what dosage/how many times per week? Are there other options aside from zinc?

3) If one is worried specifically about gyno, would lowering the dosage from, say, 1mg to 0.5mg make a difference?

I'm not aware of this being studied, but I'm no expert. I ask this question because I read a reply on another gyno thread where someone said that if gyno is the problem, a lower dosage wouldn't make an appreciable difference. Perhaps that's balderdash; I have no clue.

Thanks ahead of time for your replies.


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I'm not currently on finasteride but am debating whether I should take the plunge. To be honest, this is one of my fears as well (but so is having limp dick and the sexual libido or my grandfather) and I've been trying to gather information on taking anti-estrogens with finasteride but haven't really come up with anything that's assuring. If I were to take the plunge tomorrow I would start by eating a **** tonne of broccoli as it apparently is a natural anti-estrogen and clears out excess estrogen from the body. My plan would also be to take 0.25 mg EOD or every third day as it seems a lot of people eventually down regulate the dose due to sides. So this could be something worth looking into.

On a side note, I've had hard tiny lumps under my nips since I was about 16. I was always physically active through life and played on the Basketball and Soccer teams and currently work out like a ma ****a (no roids of course) so I'm naturally a bit concerned that I could be a prime candidate for bad ****in gyno if I start finasteride. No homo but what does it currently feel like under your Nipples... Never thought I'd ask another dude that...:gay2:


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Lol, no problem - everyone freely talks about limp noodles and paranoia masturbation here anyway; it kind of goes with the territory.

Really the best description of what I feel under my nipples is nothing. Just squishy and then I bump into something like the muscle underneath the thing. No lumps or anything like that. Normal, I guess? It's just this achy, painy, heavy sort of feeling in general (I should add that it isn't limited to my ta-tas, but it's in my shoulders, my pits, in my stomach area above the navel. I've just been assuming to keep my mind clear that it's my body going "WTF?" and trying to get used to the finasteride. I had a kind of low-grade fever the second and third nights too, but that has gone away.

Speaking solely for myself here, I've been on finasteride 1mg, as noted, for a week, and I've had no sexual sides whatsoever. No sore balls. Maybe one night my erection was a little soft, but really that happens sometimes anyway. Truly the best precaution against ED is not to think about it (I say with full awareness that the same could probably be said for gyno). My guess is that since I'm not really worried about it, the chances of me psyching myself into it evaporate. Of course it could still happen in the future - many guys don't get the sides until months into treatment.

Anyhow, I hope someone replies to my questions. My worry is that no one really answers the "non-dangerous anti-estrogen" question because there really isn't anything solid there. That is, it might all just be guess work at this point. I hope not, but that's what I want to find out.


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Ok, so at least part of the answer to 1) is:

Start to feel a hard lump under the nipple; nipples itchy; nipples sore and puffy.

The follow up question I have is whether "hard lumps" can show up elsewhere in your breast-areas (I've read about there being different kinds of gyno)? And furthermore, is the kind of general pain an soreness I'm experiencing a sign of it? Or is all just "nipple" related?


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There's definitely different gyno. I have the tiny hard lumps which is common in 50% of males in puberty but maybe due to my excessive milk drinking and smoke weed (both of which I have cut back tremendously in the passed year) they're still kicking around at 25. You see the typical steroid induced gyno which is just scary, weird, elongated nipple fluid. I'm pretty sure you can get operations to have it removed though can you not? I remember the first time I saw someone with gyno in the gym locker room and the **** was weiiiiiird lookin'.

Oh and do you work out at all (ie. Heavy weight lifting) jacobi?


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No - my brother does, though (he's a serious bodybuilder). I am considering starting to work out though - only basic cardio and muscle building, nothing too serious. I don't have the time, and even if I did, I don't have the inclination to get serious with weights. I'm open to a less rigorous work out regime though, because I did read that one of the best ways to fight potential gyno - admittedly just an opinion, but an intuitive one - is to lower your body fat.

I'm not fat at all, but I'm not muscular either. I'm one of those guys who is very out of shape but doesn't look it (my calves and forearms are kind of ripped from over a decade of playing serious basketball when I was younger - 15 years later and my legs still look like those of a b-ball player. Crazy.)